菜の花と厚揚げの重ね蒸し炒め steam sauté of deep-fried tofu w/ kale
I always enjoy cooking using basic macrobiotic cooking method, such as
- Recognize each materials energy balance (yin and yang),
- Use less water, less condiments, less oils when cook, in order to let the nutrients of materials emphasize the most.
Layer cooking is one of macrobiotic cooking method that make a layer from very yin at a the bottom to very yang at a top in the pot sprinkle a pinch of salt at a top, put a lid and heat them up with lower middle heat , until steam start leaking from the edge and smelling flavourful.
・エリンギ 1パック →繊維に沿ってスライス、大きければ長さを半分にする
・玉ねぎ 小1個か、中1/2個 →皮をむき縦に半分に切り、繊維に垂直にスライスする
・ニンニク 1片 →薄切り
・生姜 ニンニクと同じくらいの大きさ1片→千切り
・厚揚げ 三角4個 →厚みを半分にする
・菜花 1パック →茎と葉に分け、茎の部分は斜め薄切り、葉はざく切り
・塩 ひとつまみ +適量
・醤油 大さじ1強
(・水 50ccくらい・必要であれば)
1. 蓋付きのフライパンに材料に書いてある順番に底から重ねてゆき、塩ひとつまみを振りかけて蓋をし、弱火にかける。※ 弱火で熱を加え野菜から出る水分で蒸し焼きにしますが、もし途中で焦げそうであれば水を加えてください。
2. キノコの焼けるいい香りがして、一番上の菜花が鮮やかな濃いグリーンになっていたら蓋をとり、醤油を鍋肌から回しかける。
3. ヘラで全体をざっくりと混ぜ合わせ、余分な水分を飛ばす。味見をして、塩で味を整え、火から下ろす。粗挽き黒胡椒を振る
-100g Oyster mushroom →slice parallel to fiber
(If its too long, cut half )
-1small, or 1/2 middle yellow onion →Peel, halve, thinly slice vertical to fiber.
-1 clove garlic →slice
-1 piece of ginger (same size as garlic) →thinly slice and chop finely
-4 deep dried tofu →halve its thickness
-1 bunch of kale →separate stems and leaves,
Stems → thinly slice, leaves →roughly chop
-a pinch of salt + as you need
-1 tbsp soy sauce
-ground black pepper
(50cc of water if needed)
1.In a flying pan (with lid), put ingredients to make a layer as I described in order as above (mushroom is going to be at the bottom and kale leaves are at the topmost).
2.sprinkle a pinch of salt , put a lid , place to heat at the lower middle heat.
※ If the inside of the pan seems to be getting burning (or if you are afraid of burning), add water.
3.wait until steam start leaking from the edge and smelling flavourful. Remove a lid, add soy sauce , stir well, taste with salt or extra soy sauce if needed.
Turn the heat off, sprinkle ground black pepper.
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