










This week feels as if we've returned to midwinter. How is everyone? I hope you're not catching a cold. Yesterday, even though it was sunny in Nishitokyo where I happened to be, I saw some snowflakes falling.

【Ichirin's Bud Vase 🌸 Harukogane-bana, the Flower Longing for Spring】

"Three cold days and four warm days" is a saying that aptly describes this season's climate. After about three days of cold weather, four days of warmth follow, gradually increasing the warm days as we approach spring. Even amidst this week's midwinter-like chill, plants that herald spring are beginning to bloom.

Today's main feature is the Sanshuyu. With its branches full of yellow flowers, the Sanshuyu (Cornus officinalis) announces the arrival of spring. Typically, it blooms from March to April, but it's already appearing in markets, bringing a touch of spring ambiance.

Originally from China and the Korean Peninsula, Sanshuyu was introduced to Japan in the mid-Edo period as a medicinal plant. It can grow up to 7 or 8 meters tall, making it more suitable for parks or as street trees rather than garden plants. However, if you have a spacious garden, why not consider planting one? In autumn, it bears bright red, gumi-like fruits. When the seeds are removed and the flesh dried, these fruits have long been valued as a herbal medicine for nourishing and revitalizing the body. You can also infuse the fruits in alcohol to make fruit wine. Known to alleviate cold sensitivity, frequent urination, lower blood sugar levels, and boost immunity, it's been referred to as an "anti-aging herbal medicine." Growing it at home allows you to enjoy its flowers in spring and its fruits in autumn, and even make your own herbal fruit wine—what a delightful way to fully appreciate this plant!

Last weekend, I collaborated with a Taiwanese tea expert to conduct a workshop combining Taiwanese tea and ikebana. We used Sanshuyu as one of the materials (please check out the workshop photos on Instagram: @ichirin_naoko). During the session, I mentioned that the name "Sanshuyu" comes from the Chinese pronunciation and asked if they were familiar with the plant. They responded, "I recall this plant being mentioned in Chinese poetry, probably in autumn-themed poems." In China, "Sanshuyu" evokes images of branches laden with red fruits, associated with autumn and valued as a herbal medicine. In ikebana, however, we focus on the early spring aspect, highlighting the yellow flowers of the current season's Sanshuyu. It's fascinating how perceptions vary depending on the region or individual experiences.

Here's another interesting tidbit: Sanshuyu is related to a tree called "Duryan," known as the "yogurt tree" in Bulgaria. It's said that if you place a branch of Sanshuyu into warmed milk (about 40°C) and keep it warm overnight, it turns into yogurt by the next day. This is because the branches contain lactic acid bacteria. It sounds intriguing, and I might give it a try. However, maintaining the milk at a warm temperature overnight seems challenging, and even if it works, I'm not sure if it's safe to eat... Quite the conundrum. (laughs)

The leftover Sanshuyu from our ikebana classes and the Taiwanese tea collaboration is now in full bloom at my home. Unlike mimosa, it has a unique charm that's truly endearing. Tomitaro Makino, eager to give this plant a Japanese name, called it "Harukogane-bana" (春黄金花), which translates to "spring golden flower." The name resonates with a sense of longing for spring. Isn't this Japanese name just lovely?

The flower language of Sanshuyu is "endurance." This stems from the efficacy of its fruit as a herbal medicine. In this period of fluctuating temperatures, which can disrupt our health and autonomic nerves, perhaps it's worth visiting a herbal pharmacy to seek out some Sanshuyu.

【Editor's Note🥀】
My rabbit, Mame-chan, has turned 6 years old. In human terms, that's equivalent to 60 years—a milestone age. She's now a senior bunny. Still, she has a hearty appetite and a glossy coat. I hope she continues to live each day in good health and happiness.


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・Instagram(アレンジメント、リース、スワッグ):ichirin (@hanasakka.ichirin)
・Instagram(いけばな):大澤 尚子 (@ichirin_naoko)
