



英語ではFour o'clock(4時)、中国語では洗澡花(風呂に入る時間の花)、煮飯花(夕飯の時間の花)などと呼ばれているそうです。









Every summer, when I see this flower, it reminds me of my summer vacations as a child. Is there a flower that brings back memories of summer for you?

【Ichirin's Floral Note 🌸 A Summer Flower: Latin Origin, Four O'clock (Mirabilis jalapa)】

About a five-minute walk from my house, I saw a flower with a face like a small hibiscus, with pink and white petals shining in the morning sun.

It's a Mirabilis Jalapa. Isn’t the name interesting? Originally from South America, the Mirabilis Jalapa arrived in Japan during the Edo period. When you break open its seeds, a powder that resembles face powder comes out, which is the origin of its Japanese name, "Oshiroi-bana." The flower blooms in the evening and has a pleasant fragrance. Hence, it’s also called "Yuugeshou" (evening makeup) in Japanese, a name that has a certain allure. In English, it's known as "Four o'clock," and in Chinese, it’s called "洗澡花" (bath time flower) or "煮飯花" (dinner time flower). The flowers open around 4 PM and wither by the next morning. The reason it seems to bloom all summer long is that different flowers open each day.

Mystery solved! In my mind, there was always a certain loneliness associated with playing with Mirabilis Jalapa. It might have been the twilight melancholy felt before the sun sets. After all, it’s the "4 o'clock" flower. It might have been the lingering feeling of wanting to play more.

When I was in elementary school, there were still vacant lots even in the heart of Tokyo (just like in the world of Doraemon), and I remember seeing Mirabilis Jalapa blooming in various places like parking lots and parks. During summer vacations, I often spent time in my mother's rural hometown in Shizuoka, surrounded by nature, where I also played with Mirabilis Jalapa with my younger sister. The flowers were at a perfect height for elementary school kids, making a strong impact and easy to pick.

A game my sister and I often played with Mirabilis Jalapa was "parachute making." We would imagine the flower as a parachute’s fabric, gently pulling the seed downwards, which would cause the stamen to stretch out and act as the parachute’s string, with the seed serving as a weight.

Feeling nostalgic, I picked a few Mirabilis Jalapa from my neighborhood and made a parachute! Of course, I also remember playing with the white powder inside the seeds. I’m not sure if I ever applied it to my face, though. Haha. Even now, the body remembers these childhood games with plants. Such primal experiences are truly important. If there are some other ways to play with Mirabilis Jalapa in your countries, please let me know!

Mirabilis Jalapa come in a variety of bright colors, including white, red, pink, yellow, orange, and even two-toned patterns like the one in the photo above. Yet, why don't we see them much these days? Perhaps they seem too old-fashioned?

I sniffed the fragrance of the Mirabilis Jalapa I had picked. It has a softly sweet scent. It’s not like a rose, but closer to the smell of azaleas. Since Mirabilis Jalapa constantly blooms new flowers, picking a few doesn't make me feel guilty (haha). After all, they’re destined to wither by the next morning. So, even if I picked them from someone's garden and the owner saw me, maybe I was never scolded not because I was a child, but because the owner knew the nature of Mirabilis Jalapa.

The flower language of Mirabilis Jalapa is "shyness." It’s not a very summery flower language, is it? It likely comes from its nature of waiting for dusk to bloom.

【Editorial Note】
I’ve finally recovered from sinusitis! I’m back to my normal condition. The three lessons I learned are: 1) Sleep is crucial, 2) Don't let fatigue accumulate, resolve it early, and 3) Mental health is vital. These three are absolutely necessary to maintain physical health.

Thank you for reading.
Hope you have a wonderful day with flowers!



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