





原産は、メキシコから中央アメリカ。耐寒性が低いので、日本ではあまり一般家庭で栽培されることはなく、基本的に切り花として売られています。日本での生産地は温暖な地域に限られますが、中でも東京の伊豆大島の特産品になっているのは知りませんでした。ひょんなことで、東京都の農林総合研究センターが発刊している「農総研だより」※ に行き着いたのですが、ブバルディアの東京オリジナル品種の開発に取り組んでいる様子がよくわかり、読んでいてとても興味深かったです。






Recently, not only has it been hot, but we’ve also had frequent sudden thunderstorms with lightning. It's like tropical squalls in the southern islands. I remember my American friend saying, "Oh yeah, Japan is an island!" Even in Tokyo, when the temperature is around 30 degrees, it feels "cool." Where is Japan's summer headed?

【Ichirin's Floral Note 🌸 The Modest Passion of Bouvardia】

On a day when I was about to get soaked by a heavy downpour, I wandered through a Showa-era covered shopping street, waiting for the rain to stop. I discovered a flower shop with a modest appearance that I might have walked right past.

The storefront had small bouquets that looked like they were for offering at Buddhist altars, familiar chrysanthemums, summery gentians, sunflowers, and a bit of greenery like Areca palms. Thinking that the roses and lisianthus were probably in the refrigerator in the back, I stepped into the small shop and my eyes were drawn to a lovely pink flower—Bouvardia.

I wondered if this flower blooms in the summer, so I researched it when I got home. While many sources stated that Bouvardia blooms from October to April, others said May to June or from early summer to winter, showing a wide range of blooming periods. It seems that various cultivars have been developed, so you can find Bouvardia all year round.
The one I found at the flower shop had delicate pink petals with red centers. However, the Bouvardia available around Christmas is often bright red.

Originally from Mexico to Central America, Bouvardia is not very frost-tolerant, so it's rarely grown in home gardens in Japan and is typically sold as a cut flower. I didn't know that Bouvardia is a specialty of Izu Oshima, Tokyo. I stumbled upon the "Agricultural Research Center Newsletter"(https://www.tokyo-aff.or.jp/uploaded/attachment/13063.pdf) published by the Tokyo Metropolitan Agriculture and Forestry Research Center, which was very interesting and detailed their efforts to develop original Tokyo varieties of Bouvardia.

Bouvardia is known in Japanese as "Kanchoji" (tube flower). The petals form a narrow tube and the flower opens into a cross shape at the end. It's fascinating that double-flowered types, which don't fit the original description, are being developed. For example, the Bouvardia from Oshima mentioned earlier. After the original Tokyo variety "Tokyo Star" was released in 2019, a new variety "Tokyo Double Star" was introduced in 2021. These varieties with overlapping petals create a dense and vibrant appearance when in bloom.

Bouvardia is often treated as a supporting role in bouquets and arrangements. It’s a flower that people may have seen but don’t remember the name of. However, a voluminous bouquet of double-flowered Bouvardia alone could be easily shaped into a round form, making it perfect for a wedding bouquet!

The flower is also reasonably priced at flower shops, and just one or two stems in a small vase can be charming. I recommend using a flower shop for shelter during a sudden thunderstorm and looking for Bouvardia there. Haha.

The flower language of Bouvardia is lovely too. "Dream." It also carries the meaning "passion." Though small, Bouvardia blooms with numerous tiny flowers. Why not adorn your summer nights with Bouvardia, carrying your dreams and passion?

【Editor's Note】
Recently, I've started watching Western movies during short breaks. I love movies, but this summer, it's also for my English learning. Living away from English-speaking countries for so long, my listening skills and vocabulary have inevitably declined. It's refreshing to think, "Oh yes, there's that phrase," while enjoying solo movie-watching.

Thank you for reading.
Hope you have a wonderful day with flowers!



ichirinフラワーアレンジメントスクール・龍生派一綸いけばな教室 受講者募集中!







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・Instagram(アレンジメント、リース、スワッグ):ichirin (@hanasakka.ichirin)
・Instagram(いけばな):大澤 尚子 (@ichirin_naoko)
