













もしラベンダーの香りが苦手、という方は、ぜひL. angustifolia(コモン・ラベンダー)の香りにトライしてみてください。ラバンジンとは全く違う香りだそう。私も精油コーナーに繰り出して、コモン・ラベンダーを探してみようと思います。





Last week, we held a collaboration class with a Taiwanese tea professional called "Living Through the Five Senses - Taiwanese Tea × Ikebana - Scent Session." The event aimed to awaken the sense of smell through the unique perspectives of Taiwanese tea and Japansese ikebana.

【Ichirin's Floral Note🌸 The Herb Used in the Oldest Perfume - Lavender】

Last Saturday was so hot it felt like our bodies were melting. We welcomed the participants who gathered in a tea room in Tokyo with a Taiwanese tea welcome drink gently scented with plum.

The sense of smell is said to be the most powerful of the human senses for evoking memories. Since ancient times, the sense of smell has been essential for detecting danger. In other words, it is perhaps the most primitive sense, unaffected by the advancement of times and civilizations.

To approach this sense of smell, we planned an ikebana section using various aromatic herbs, where participants arranged flowers using only herbs. First, we had everyone lie down on tatami mats, put on blindfolds, and take their time to breathe in the scent of each herb one by one.

Next, participants enjoyed arranging flowers using their favorite aromatic herbs. By viewing herbs, typically seen only as food or ornamental plants, as materials for ikebana, they experienced a new way of enjoyment.
By the way, we prepared ten types of herbs with the sole desire for everyone to enjoy (perhaps a bit overzealous, haha)! Each participant chose their favorite scented herb and arranged it as the main element.

Several participants chose lavender as the main element. After all, it is the king of scents. One participant made an interesting comment about lavender: "When I smelled it with my eyes closed, it reminded me of a toilet freshener".😄

That piqued my interest. I decided to make this week's newsletter about lavender!

I discovered many interesting facts. Lavender is easy to crossbreed, resulting in many varieties with significantly different scent characteristics. The scent also changes depending on the part of the plant from which the essential oil is extracted. Lavender's history of accompanying humans is very long, being cherished as a medicine since ancient times. Its benefits were already recorded in medical books in the first century. The word "lavender" itself comes from the Latin word for "wash," suggesting its use as a washing and bathing agent since ancient Roman times.

In the Middle Ages, Europe's advanced distillation techniques allowed for the use of lavender essential oils and fresh flowers for insect repellent, indoor fragrances, and more. An interesting anecdote is that during the plague, workers in lavender fields were not infected, highlighting its strong antibacterial properties.
In the modern era, the upper class enjoyed lavender in jams and salads. Queen Elizabeth I was particularly fond of lavender jam, likely enjoying its pleasant scent and fashionable color. I might try making some myself.

Later, lavender spread worldwide as a perfume. Despite a decline in essential oils due to artificial fragrances, there remains a strong demand for genuine scents (including myself). As mentioned earlier, it's understandable that a participant described lavender's scent as "like a toilet freshener" because lavender artificial fragrances are widely used in air fresheners, bath products, and fabric softeners in our daily lives.

Lavender's scent has calming and sleep-inducing effects, providing relaxation. However, some people dislike lavender's scent, like my sister, due to its unique pungency. Research shows that the essential oil of "Lavandin" has a camphor-like pungent smell. Camphor, used in Showa-era Japan to protect clothes from moths, came in thin white tablets wrapped in paper. (Those born in the Showa era will remember, right? Haha.)

If you dislike lavender's scent, try L. angustifolia (common lavender). Its scent is entirely different from lavandin. I'll head to the essential oil section to find some common lavender myself.

Let's conclude today's newsletter with lavender's flower language: "Waiting for you."
Lavender's scent is unique among herbs and flowers, distinguishing it. While it looks cute, few flowers are as beloved for their scent as lavender! Please, |FNAME|, close your eyes and deeply inhale the scent of lavender (only the real thing!).

What awaits you at the end of that pleasant scent...?

【Editorial Note】
Recently, the air conditioner has been on continuously. We have a rabbit named Mame-chan, so we leave it on even when we're out. Despite the consistent temperature control, Mame-chan still molts seasonally and relaxes in cool areas during hot weather. Currently, her favorite spot is in the steel shelf, lying as if displayed alongside flower vases. Haha.

Thank you for reading.
Hope you have a wonderful day with flowers!



ichirinフラワーアレンジメントスクール・龍生派一綸いけばな教室 受講者募集中!







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・Instagram(アレンジメント、リース、スワッグ):ichirin (@hanasakka.ichirin)
・Instagram(いけばな):大澤 尚子 (@ichirin_naoko)
