Woman of Buddhism




毎週の日曜日のサービスの花を生けて、参加し、ソーシャルホールでのお茶をサーブし新しくお寺に参った方に挨拶し、メンバー一人一人の近況に意識を向けて声掛けし、家族の悩みに耳を傾け、片付けをして、夫の脱いだ法衣を洗濯してたたむ。何かをいただいたらお礼状を書き、電話する。日本の坊守にとってはきっと普通のことだが、アメリカ的にはお坊さんとたまたま結婚したばかりに当たり前にできると思われては困る、というのが正直な感想だろう。それならJob descriptionに書いておいてくれ、と。



The discussion in the meeting turned to the role of women, particularly the role of the minister's partner (bomori). The position of women in Buddhist society is not particularly high. Even within Jodo Shinshu, which is said to have female pioneers (the wife and daughter of the founder Shinran), as far as I know, there are currently no women in leadership roles such as instructors or council members. The temple I currently belong to was the first to establish a Buddhist Women's Association in America. Of course, this was before such associations existed in Japan. Meetings were held where only men gathered and conducted discussions according to their convenience, whereas women gathered to exchange opinions and confront men with their views. Now it seems to have become a mere formality and has turned into a group for making offerings.

Returning to the initial topic, I have always been pondering the role of a bomori. The differences between Japan and America are so stark that it's hard to know how to behave. Now, I have stopped trying to behave a certain way and simply remain as I am. In America, temples (places) exist first, maintained by their members. Members manage money and land, set schedules, and hire ministers. It's akin to the Christian way. In contrast, in Japan, temples are mainly managed by temple families. They invest their personal assets in maintaining and managing the temple, building trust with their followers. I recently heard a good phrase, "It's truly a family business," so it seems that for a bomori (minister's partner), it's more about recognizing it as part of the "family business" rather than just "assisting."

During a meeting, a teacher (minister) said, "I'd like to hear from the bomori herself. How do you perceive and confront your career, family, and role at the temple?" I had a moment of foreboding, but as expected, my opinion was sought. In meetings, I typically prefer to quietly listen to opinions. Since my opinions are strong, they often change the flow. However, when I gathered the courage to respond, I was surprised to find tears welling up unexpectedly. It seems I am struglling more with myself in that area than I had thought.

What I thought was, "First, no matter how I try to draw boundaries between the temple and my husband, it often doesn't work out. Even if I try to distance myself, there are always temple matters lingering in the back of my mind, like needing to thank someone who received something, etc." This is something that wouldn't be typical for families of employees in a general Japanese company. They wouldn't feel bad about not bringing their families on business trips or not participating in company events. On the other hand, there have been countless times when I've felt disappointed because I couldn't go to my child's lessons or events, or when my husband was invited as a guest speaker at another temple's dharma talk. I'm always feeling guilty. It's not that I don't want to go, but I can't always meet expectations. As a minister serving at the temple, it involves meeting the members' expectation of engaging with the temple and spreading its teachings, and this is compensated with a salary. On the other hand, what about the spouse? In America, they often receive compensation such as housing and insurance, but since they benefit from these, is it an obligation to meet the temple's expectations and requests? They arrange flowers for the Sunday service every week, participate, serve tea in the social hall, greet newcomers to the temple, engage with each member to inquire about their well-being, listen to families' concerns, tidy up, wash and fold the robes worn by ministers. If they receive something, they write thank-you notes and make phoneFor Japanese bomori, this is probably normal, but it would be problematic if in America, it were assumed that simply because one happened to marry a misnister, they can naturally fulfill these duties. If that's the case, please write it in the job description.

Furthermore, these issues are not just for my generation. In Japan, there are terms like 'former bomori' and 'young bomori'; young bomori learn temple duties gradually under the guidance of the bomori. However, in modern times, it's often the daughter-in-law who becomes the young bomori, reducing their workload. Times have changed, and there seems to be a suggestion of outsourcing. In America, if the previous minister's partner was very helpful and met various expectations of the members, expectations for the next bomori would also rise. There may be aspects that cannot be resolved by individual personality alone.

As gatherings of ministers have decreased during the pandemic, so too have opportunities for ministers' wives to talk. For minister's wives who have recently come from Japan, conversations among wives in Japanese, where they can speak without reservation, are something they greatly look forward to. I live in an area with relatively many Japanese people, but for ministers and their families living in areas with fewer Japanese people, the pandemic has been quite tough. In such a situation, I have invited the wives to Zoom meetings twice. The first time, we chatted lively with a guest female minister from Japan who is active there. The second time, a wife from Hawaii also joined, making it a large gathering. The content of their conversations mostly revolves around daily life and children. Hardly anyone talks about temple affairs. Few people express dissatisfaction, and at most, they laugh and vent about minor complaints like 'they don't reimburse cellphone expenses at our temple.' Rather than seeking solutions, their true desire is to converse in Japanese. These kinds of opportunities are truly necessary. Especially for those who have come from Japan or from outside Buddhist communities, knowing that they are not fighting their battles alone can be a great relief. While I now have found a place and am somewhat satisfied, thinking back to when I came to America from Japan 20 years ago brings tears to my eyes. Those who come with a purpose have passion and can persevere, but those who are brought along may find living itself difficult. Considering that some partners have returned to Japan because they couldn't adapt, this might be a problem that needs to be addressed by the entire community.
