
feedback means interest. - Oct. 24, 2023

"Israeli people may always be willing to express their opinions openly, provide feedback, or engage in debates with others." I felt like I learned something new when I listened to "外資系裏技英語 基本のKEY" on Apple Podcasts yesterday. The episode's theme was "The Weakness of Yes - Icebreaker," and the radio presenters, BJ Fox and Trumi Ishii, introduced us to a person who works at Wix.com. They mentioned that feedback shows others' interest in you. "Oh, you're right. I hadn't thought of it until you said that." I had this realization, haha.

The businessperson also emphasized that the quantity of feedback and advice is more important than each one's quality. So, if you receive no response from others, they might not be particularly interested in your project. However, if they provide a lot of feedback, it means they are eager to support you and help push your project forward.

When I submit my thesis and ask my professor to review it, I always aim for thoroughness and seek less advice from him. But it's not just for my benefit, as his feedback enhances my thesis and demonstrates his dedication to my progress. That's something I'm truly grateful for, don't you think? I have to complete Chapter 2 of my thesis by next Sunday, so I'll keep in mind that feedback is truly invaluable.


