I had thought that I was lack anger.
That's why because, I had to press my feeling for survival.
I had tried to my mother's reaction when I was child. She was very strict for me and fragile. I had cared her, so couldn't express my feelings to her.
Recently, I have noticed the above real.
I have never spoken selfishly anyone in my life. I have never reveal my anger or sadness emotionally to others. I have always thought of others not myself. I had suppressed my feelings.
My parents looked immature for me, so child as I was, I judged that I cannot embarrass them. Since about 2 or 3 years old, I had sealed my negative feelings in bottom of my heart.
Last year, I could evacuate from my family. I had been able to permit me to be happy at last!!! I will release my whole feelings, including anger.
I had abused by my parents and my ex-husbands. But I had no anger for anyone. So I had thought that I lack anger before.
But I had remembered I have been anger after reading a book "Anger can be healthy" written by Pat Palmer. I have got angry and expressed it my ex-husband. I could do that! I expressed my thought logically after thinking and thinking. I'm glad that I have healthy emotion in my heart.
I had anger and expressed it logically and politely to my ex-husband and my father, when they abused me. Then, they never answer anything. I have never accept my negative feelings.
I am not good at expressing my negative feelings (anger and sadness) to others because I don't want to embarrass them or abuse by them. So it's easy for me to be patient and suppress my feelings. But I will stop this custom.
I'm trying not to suppress my feelings and express them to the other party.
Actually, I dared to try to make my assertion to a rude person today! This was a big step for me to express my feelings. He said just "Thank you for telling me that". I thought his answer was not enough for me. But I would like to praise me "Well done!".
Someday, in near future, I would like to make relationship which I can express my every feeling and be accepted them by the other party, not only I accept his feeling. I believe I can do that!
Everything I can imagine is real!
I'm growing everyday. This is my progress to know me well and live life in my own way.