Bible 34

Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of LORD I have brought forth a man." Later she gave a birth to his brother Abel.
アダムは妻エバと寝て彼女は妊娠し、カイ ンを産んだ。彼女は「神の助けによって子 をもうけることが出来た」と言った。その 後、彼女はカインの弟アベルを産んだ。

It was a big and mysyeriously event for Eve, I think she thought God did to her and she was filled with gratitude to God as she could gave birth.
エバにとって妊娠、出産は大イベントで神 秘的なもので神の仕業に思えたと思う。そ して子を産めたことに感謝したと思う。
