Bible 9

And God said,''Let the  land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock,cretures that moving along the ground , and wild animals, each according to its kind.'' And it was so. God made  the wild animals according to their kinds, the  livestock according to their kinds, and the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
神は「陸に計画通り生き物よ現れよ 地を這う生き物 家畜 野生の生き物達よ」と言った。そしてそうなった。神は様々な野生の生き物、家畜を計画通り創造し地上に住まわせた。そして神は満足した。

God created four kinds of living things : birds, livestock, wild animals and creatures that move along the ground from the beginnig.
