
Benefits of all-English streams.(全英語配信のメリット)

Today marks exactly one month since I started all-English streams on "stand.fm". When I counted, I was challenging all-English stremas about 13 times during this period. I still can't speak without a script, but I think I've gotten better at speaking than I was at the beginning. So, this time I will talk about three benefits of all-English streams that I discoverd through actually trying it. The three items are as follows.

  1. For the first time in my life, I found English fun.

  2. For the fisrt time in my life, I could be grateful for exam English.

  3. You will also acquire your listening skills at the same time.

From now on, I will talk about details of each item.

①For the first time in my life, I found English fun.

I had never found English fun before, but after streaming in English on "stand.fm", I felt that English was fun for the first time in my life. Because I had the experience of my English being property conveyed to the listeners.

The first English stream was about wanting to earn inbound money, and that message was property coveyed. That made me so happy. Fot the first time, I felt that I used English not for study, but as a proper tool for communication.

Also, when I did all-English streams, I created a project called NYTEnglish. And for this project, I also made a rule that ask listeners to coment in English. So, in spite of we excahnge of comment in English, we are able to propely communicate there too. It was also a lot of fun that I was able to communicate with my friends in English.

②For the fisrt time in my life, I could be grateful for exam English.

I'm part of the last generation born in the Showa era, and the English I learned at school foucused mainly on reading. This is a study method that has been ridiculed as "exam English." And just as people had rediculed, although I was able to read, I was completely unable to speak or write. So I also thought that exam English was completely useless.

However, when I did all-English streams on "stand.fm", I realized that exam English was really useful. The reason is that it was extremely helpful when using translation software.

Nawadays, if you use Goodle Translate or ChatGPT, the software can convert Japanese into English. And thanks to exam English, I can only read, so I can read translated English. Therefore, I was able to understand the meaning of the translated English and speak the content with confidence. 

Yes, we live in an age where translation software can help with the weak points of exam English "speaking and writing", so being able to read has become a huge advantage. In this way, times have come full circle and we are now in an era where exam English is extremely useful. And for the first time in my life, I began to have a deep appreciation for exam English.

③You will also acquire your listening skills at the same time.

I found that if you start all-English streams on "stand.fm", you are able to improve your listening skills at the same time. There are two reasons for this: one is speaking, and the other is that you want to know what my favarite friend is saying. 

Of course, in all-English streams, you will need to speak yourself, so you will need to be able to pronounce what you want to say. And once you can pronaunce it, you will naturally be able to litsten to the sound.

Also, thankfully, I had friends who agreed with me and also did all-English streams. And since my favorite friends are talking, I'm really curious to know what they are talking about. So I feel like to desperately catch their English.

For these two reasons, my listeining ability has improved dramatically since I started all-English streams.

In this way, I felt that there are many benefits of all-English streams. Although it's only been a month, I feel like my English has improved a lot.

And ECD that started today is a great opportunity to start streaming in English on "stand.fm". So if you too would like to be able to speak English, would you like to try streaming in English on "stand.fm"? Let's learn to speak English together!



  1. 人生で初めて、英語が楽しいと感じた

  2. 人生で初めて、受験英語に感謝できた

  3. リスニングの力も同時に身に付く

















