
Thank you for joining ECD!(ECDへのご参加ありがとうございました!)

Once again, hello everyone. I'm Nayuta of ECD porject member. Thank you for joining fisrt ECD yesterday. I'm very glad so many people have participated. Also, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to project leader Marueri-san, who made so many efforts to make this day possible. Listening to everyone's streams, I felt that everyone has different thoughts about studying English, which I found very interesting.

Looking back, exactly one month ago, I treid an all-English stream alone. After that, I invited the members of the Pojibu, which I belong to, and several of them joined me in the challenge. At that time, Miniko-san, one of the participants, named the challeng "NYTEnglish". 

Then about a week later, Marueri-san, another participant, suggested that we create a day once a month where we would stream in English, and that's how ECD project was born. This project was inspired by MSD(Monthly Song Day), an initiative to sing songs at "stand.fm" once a month, and we are very grateful to SatoYu-san, the organizer of MSD, for agreeing the project.

By the way, ECD is held once a month, but NYTEnglish is an all-English stream projdect that anyone can participate in at any time. If you've become passinate about English through ECD and can't wait a month, why not give NYTEnglish a try? Let's make the best of "stand.fm" at place for an English stream together.




そして1週間くらいたった後、こちらも参加者の一人だったまるえりさんが、月に1回英語配信をする日を作ったらどうかという提案をしていただき、そこで始まったのがECDという企画です。この企画はMSD(Monthly Sond Day)という月に1回スタエフで歌を歌おうという企画を参考にさせて頂いたのですが、MSD主催者でもあるさとうゆうさんにもこの企画にご賛同頂けて、とても感謝しています。

