



















| English Expression                                                                                         | Explanation                                                                                                            | Example Sentence                                                                                                    |
| **There may be a water leak at the back**                                                                  | Suggests the possibility of a water leak in a specific area.                                                           | "Please check the plumbing; there may be a water leak at the back of the house."                                    |
| **I wouldn’t miss it for the world**                                                                       | An expression used to convey that the speaker would not miss an event under any circumstances.                         | "Your wedding is next month? I wouldn’t miss it for the world!"                                                     |
| **Thank you very much for today!**                                                                         | A polite expression of gratitude for the events or interactions that occurred on a particular day.                    | "The workshop was wonderful—thank you very much for today!"                                                         |
| **Having worked in education in the past, I was inspired by the children and I am glad that they each got to go where they wanted to go.** | Reflects on past experiences in education, emphasizing the inspiration drawn from children’s achievements or desires. | "Having worked in education in the past, I was inspired by the children's enthusiasm and dedication to learning."    |
| **The people involved**                                                                                   | Refers to the individuals who are part of or affected by a particular situation or event.                              | "The project was a success thanks to all the people involved."                                                      |
| **Moai**                                                                                                  | Statues built by the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island, known for their large head-and-torso forms.                     | "The moai are monolithic statues that represent the ancestors of the indigenous Polynesian inhabitants of the island." |
| **Thank you for the compliment**                                                                          | A polite response to someone who has praised or complimented the speaker.                                              | "You liked my presentation? Thank you for the compliment!"                                                          |
| **Eligible**                                                                                              | Meeting the required conditions or criteria for obtaining or doing something.                                          | "Are you eligible for the scholarship program?"                                                                     |
| **Assessment**                                                                                            | The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something.                               | "The teacher's assessment of the students' work was fair and detailed."                                             |
| **British Museum is targeted by Chilean campaigners on social media in demand to return statue taken from Easter Island 150 years ago** | Describes a specific social and cultural controversy involving demands for repatriation of cultural artifacts.        | "The British Museum is targeted by Chilean campaigners on social media in demand to return a statue taken from Easter Island 150 years ago." |
| **Who knows**                                                                                             | A rhetorical question used when the answer to a question is unknown or uncertain.                                      | "Will it rain tomorrow? Who knows!"                                                                                 |
| **In a word**                                                                                             | A phrase used to sum up or encapsulate the essence of what one is trying to say succinctly.                            | "The performance last night was, in a word, breathtaking."                                                          |
| **Involve your friends**                                                                                  | Encouraging inclusion of friends in activities or decisions.                                                           | "We're planning a group trip next weekend. Involve your friends and let's make it a big outing!"                     |
| **At what time do you close?**                                                                            | A direct inquiry about the closing time of a business or service.                                                      | "At what time do you close tonight? I need to visit after work."                                                    |






「How about」と「What about」の違い

<How about>
提案: 「How about」は何かを提案する際に使われます。例えば、食事や活動の提案をする場合です。
例: "How about going to the cinema tonight?"(今夜映画に行くのはどうですか?)

意見や感想の問いかけ: 相手の意見や感想を尋ねるときにも使います。

例: "How about this restaurant? Do you like it?"(このレストランはどうですか?気に入りましたか?)

<What about>
提案や選択肢の提示: 「What about」も提案や選択肢を提示する際に使われますが、より具体的なものや問題点に焦点を当てる場合が多いです。

: "What about the new Italian place downtown?"(ダウンタウンの新しいイタリアンレストランはどうですか?)

懸念や問題の指摘: 何か問題や懸念を示す際にも使われます。

: "What about our meeting tomorrow? Do we need to reschedule?"(明日の会議はどうしましょう?スケジュールを変更する必要がありますか?)



「How about」と「What about」を適切に使い分けられない場合でも、基本的にはコミュニケーションに大きな問題は生じません。

「How about」は主に提案や意見を求める際に使うので、日常会話やカジュアルな場面でよく使われます。

「What about」は具体的な問題や懸念を指摘する際に使うことが多いため、少しフォーマルな場面や議論で使用されることがあります。


使い分けができないことで誤解が生じる場合もありますが、それは稀です。たとえば、「What about going to the cinema?」と言っても、大半の人は「映画に行く提案」として理解します。

"How about dinner at 7?"(7時に夕食はどうですか?)
"What about dinner at 7?"(7時に夕食はどうですか?)

"How about your project?"(あなたのプロジェクトはどうですか?)
→ 主に感想や状況を尋ねる。
"What about your project?"(あなたのプロジェクトはどうしましょう?)
→ 問題や懸念を含む。



「こちらも運びますか?」という質問を「How about」や「What about」を使って聞く場合、次のような表現が考えられます。

How aboutを使う場合
「How about」は提案や追加の行動を持ちかける際に使うのが一般的です。この場合、「こちらも運びますか?」という提案に自然にフィットします。

例文: "How about carrying this one too?"(こちらも運ぶのはどうですか?)

What aboutを使う場合
「What about」も使えますが、若干異なるニュアンスになります。「What about」はより懸念や問題提起の意味合いが強くなります。

例文: "What about this one? Should we carry it too?"(こちらはどうしますか?これも運ぶべきですか?)

どちらの表現も文脈に応じて適切に使えますが、提案のニュアンスが強い場合は「How about」が自然です。

提案を強調: "How about carrying this one as well?"(こちらも運ぶのはどうですか?)

問題提起や確認: "What about this one? Should we take it too?"(こちらはどうしますか?これも持っていくべきですか?)


例えば、「We have finished carrying the first load. How about carrying this one next?」(最初の荷物を運び終えました。次はこちらを運ぶのはどうですか?)といった具体的な文脈を示すと良いでしょう。




Positive Reactions

・Great! - すごい!
・Fantastic! - 素晴らしい!
・Brilliant! - 素晴らしい!
・Wonderful! - 素晴らしい!
・Awesome! - 最高!
・Excellent! - 素晴らしい!
・That's amazing! - 驚きだね!
・Perfect! - 完璧!

Showing Interest and Engagement

・Really? - 本当に?
・Oh, I see. - なるほど。
・Interesting! - 面白い!
・Tell me more. - もっと教えて。
・Go on. - 続けて。
・What happened next? - 次に何が起こったの?
・That sounds fascinating. - それは興味深いね。
・How about that! - そうなんだ!

Agreeing or Confirming
- 全くその通り。
・Exactly. - その通り。
・Definitely. - 絶対に。
・I agree. - 同意します。
・That's right. - そうだね。
・Of course. - もちろん。
・Certainly. - 確かに。

Encouraging the Speaker

・I understand. - 分かります。
・I get it. - 分かるよ。
・I know what you mean. - 言いたいことは分かる。
・That makes sense. - それは理にかなってるね。
・I can see that. - そう見えるね。
・Got it. - 了解。
・I hear you. - そうだね。

Expressing Empathy or Sympathy
・Oh no!
- あらまあ!
・That's tough. - それは大変だね。
・I'm sorry to hear that. - それは残念だね。
・That's unfortunate. - それは不運だね。
・I hope things get better. - 良くなることを願ってるよ。
・That must be hard. - それは辛いね。

Casual and Friendly Reactions

・Cool! - かっこいい!
・Nice! - いいね!
・Wow! - わあ!
・No way! - まさか!
・Really? - 本当に?
・Seriously? - 本当に?
・That's awesome! - それはすごい!

Asking for Clarification or More Information

・Could you explain that again? - もう一度説明してもらえますか?
・What do you mean by that? - それはどういう意味ですか?
・Can you tell me more about that? - それについてもっと教えてもらえますか?
・I'm not sure I follow. - よく分からないんだけど。
・How so? - どういうこと?
・In what way? - どういうふうに?



| English Expression                                  | Explanation                                                                                                               | Example Sentence                                                                                                                     |
| **TERMINATION**                                     | The act of ending something, especially employment.                                                                       | "The employee was subject to termination due to non-compliance with company policies."                                                |
| **Hygienic**                                        | Maintaining health and cleanliness.                                                                                       | "It's crucial that all kitchen staff follow hygienic practices to prevent food contamination."                                       |
| **Replenishment**                                   | The process of filling something up again.                                                                                | "Regular replenishment of supplies ensures the restaurant operates smoothly."                                                        |
| **Refill relevant products or condiments**          | To replenish supplies that are running low.                                                                               | "Please refill relevant products or condiments on the tables as soon as they run out."                                               |
| **Administration**                                  | The process or activity of running a business, organization, etc.                                                         | "She works in the administration department handling payroll and employee records."                                                   |
| **To clock in and out for shifts in line with company policy** | Recording the start and end times of a work shift according to rules set by the employer.                                 | "All staff are required to clock in and out for shifts in line with company policy."                                                 |
| **Commensurate with the tasks**                     | Corresponding in size or degree; proportionate.                                                                           | "Salary will be commensurate with the tasks and responsibilities of the position."                                                    |
| **Probationary period**                             | A trial period during which an employee’s suitability for a job is tested.                                                | "The first three months of employment will serve as a probationary period."                                                          |
| **Elect to provide mutually beneficial technical training.** | Choose to offer training that is advantageous for both parties involved.                                                   | "The company may elect to provide mutually beneficial technical training to improve employee skills."                                |
| **These costs can be significant and are subject to early departure/termination claw-back.** | A clause regarding the recovery of costs if an employee leaves the company prematurely.                                   | "These training costs can be significant and are subject to early departure/termination claw-back."                                  |
| **“I’m sorry I can’t help you - but I will call someone who can”** | A polite way of acknowledging inability to assist while ensuring that help is still provided.                             | "I’m sorry I can’t help you with this technical issue, but I will call our IT specialist who can."                                   |
| **Raise the alarm….Get out….Stay out!!!**           | Emergency instructions emphasizing the need to alert others, evacuate, and not re-enter a dangerous area.                  | "In case of fire: raise the alarm, get out of the building, and stay out until it's safe to return."                                 |
| **Adhere to**                                       | Stick to or follow a rule, instruction, or principle.                                                                     | "Employees must adhere to safety guidelines at all times."                                                                            |
| **Some tolerances**                                 | Small variations allowed in measurements or performance standards.                                                        | "Our clocking system is set with some tolerances to accommodate minor variations in shift start times."                              |
| **Comply with the law**                             | Act in accordance with legal regulations.                                                                                 | "All our processes are designed to comply with the law."                                                                              |
| **Encourage increased productivity**                 | Promote or foster a higher output or efficiency.                                                                          | "The new incentive program is meant to encourage increased productivity among team members."                                          |
| **Cross-contact**                                   | The transfer of allergens from one food to another, which is particularly dangerous for people with food allergies.       | "Avoid cross-contact in the kitchen by using separate utensils for each type of food."                                               |
| **Utensils**                                        | Tools used in cooking or eating food.                                                                                     | "Ensure all utensils are thoroughly washed to maintain hygiene."                                                                      |
| **Remember to thoroughly wash**                      | A reminder to clean something completely.                                                                                 | "Remember to thoroughly wash your hands before handling any food products."                                                           |
| **Roughly**                                         | Approximately; not exactly or without great accuracy.                                                                     | "The recipe calls for roughly two cups of flour."                                                                                    |
| **Milk alternatives**                               | Non-dairy substitutes for milk, such as almond, soy, or oat milk.                                                         | "We offer a variety of milk alternatives for coffee, including almond and coconut milk."                                             |
| **Steam wands**                                     | A tool on an espresso machine used to steam and froth milk for coffee drinks.                                             | "Clean the steam wands after each use to prevent milk residue buildup."                                                              |
| **Stirrers and thermometers**                       | Tools used to mix beverages and measure temperature, respectively.                                                        | "Please sanitize all stirrers and thermometers between uses to maintain proper hygiene."                                             |
| **Needs to be easily identifiable to avoid mix-ups** | Requires clear marking or distinction to prevent confusion or mistakes.                                                   | "Each allergen-free ingredient needs to be easily identifiable to avoid mix-ups in food preparation."                               |
| **Provoke in guests**                               | To elicit a reaction or response from customers or guests.                                                                | "Spicy dishes tend to provoke a strong reaction in guests not accustomed to heat."                                                   |
| **Gastric cramps, diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting**    | Symptoms that often indicate foodborne illness or an adverse reaction to food.                                            | "If you experience gastric cramps, diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting after eating, seek medical attention immediately."                  |
| **Itching and swelling**                            | Common allergic reactions that may occur on the skin.                                                                     | "Some food allergies can cause severe itching and swelling, particularly around the face and throat."                                |
| **Auto-injector**                                   | A device used to deliver a single dose of medication, typically epinephrine, in emergencies such as severe allergic reactions. | "Carry an auto-injector if you have severe allergies, as it can be life-saving in the event of anaphylaxis."                        |
| **Severe asthma**                                   | A chronic and serious respiratory condition that can be exacerbated by allergies or other triggers.                        | "Severe asthma attacks require immediate medical intervention to restore normal breathing."                                          |
| **Alterations in heart rate**                       | Changes or irregularities in the speed or rhythm of the heartbeat.                                                        | "Stress, exercise, and certain medications can cause significant alterations in heart rate."                                         |
| **Dizziness or lightheadedness**                    | Sensations of being unsteady or near-fainting, often associated with balance disorders or changes in blood pressure.       | "If you experience dizziness or lightheadedness frequently, it's important to consult a doctor."                                     |
| **Severity**                                        | The intensity or seriousness of a condition, situation, or effect.                                                       | "The severity of the storm forced the cancellation of several flights."                                                               |
| **Awkward**                                         | Causing difficulty; hard to deal with or uncomfortable.                                                                  | "It was an awkward moment when no one remembered the CEO's birthday."                                                                 |
| **A lot of the time, guests with allergies will flag them to you when they order, but sometimes they won't.** | Highlighting the usual disclosure of allergies by guests, with a note on exceptions.                                      | "A lot of the time, guests with allergies will flag them to you when they order, but sometimes they won't, so always ask."          |
| **If a guest feels a bit awkward**                 | When a guest is slightly uncomfortable or uneasy.                                                | "If a guest feels a bit awkward about asking for special accommodations, reassure them it's no trouble at all."  |
| **Accommodate**                                    | To make fit or suitable; to make adjustments or allowances for.                                  | "We strive to accommodate all dietary needs at our restaurant."                                                   |
| **Feel accommodated for**                          | To feel that one's needs or requests have been fully met.                                        | "Guests should feel accommodated for, regardless of their dietary restrictions."                                  |
| **Allude to having an allergy**                    | To indirectly mention or hint at having an allergy.                                              | "Some guests may only allude to having an allergy, so it's important to ask clarifying questions."               |
| **Explicitly telling you**                         | Directly and clearly stating something.                                                          | "It helps when guests are explicitly telling you about their allergies to ensure their safety."                   |
| **Could you hold off egg**                         | Asking to delay or exclude egg from a dish.                                                      | "Could you hold off egg in that recipe, as I am allergic?"                                                        |
| **Hold off**                                       | To delay or wait.                                                                                | "Please hold off on finalizing the order until we confirm everyone's preferences."                                |
| **Instead of ice cream**                           | Suggesting an alternative to ice cream.                                                          | "For dessert, could we have fruit instead of ice cream?"                                                          |
| **Dairy**                                          | Milk and products made from or containing milk.                                                  | "Does this sauce contain any dairy products?"                                                                    |
| **Does the veggie korma contain dairy? If so, I'll have the veggie burger instead** | Asking about ingredients to make a food choice based on dietary restrictions. | "Does the veggie korma contain dairy? If so, I'll have the veggie burger instead, as I am lactose intolerant."   |
| **Procedures for preventing cross-contact**        | Steps or methods implemented to prevent allergen cross-contact in food preparation.               | "We follow strict procedures for preventing cross-contact to ensure the safety of our guests with allergies."    |
| **Notifying the kitchen**                          | Informing the cooking staff about specific needs or conditions related to food preparation.       | "Notifying the kitchen about the peanut allergy is crucial for preparing a safe meal."                            |
| **Popped in for their coffee**                     | Informally describing someone who came briefly into a place, typically for a quick visit or purpose. | "She just popped in for her coffee and a quick chat this morning."                                              |
| **Tempted by the chocolate caramel muffins**       | Feeling attracted to or enticed by something.                                                    | "I was tempted by the chocolate caramel muffins displayed at the counter."                                        |
| **They reveal they have a mild nut allergy while paying.** | To disclose or uncover personal health information casually or unexpectedly.                    | "They reveal they have a mild nut allergy while paying, so we took special care with their order."               |
| **Lengthy ingredients lists**                      | Extensive lists of components included in food products.                                         | "We provide lengthy ingredients lists for all our dishes to inform customers about potential allergens."         |
| **Hefty allergen ingredient information binder**   | A large and comprehensive binder containing detailed allergen information for food items.        | "Please refer to our hefty allergen ingredient information binder if you have any dietary concerns."             |
| **Proactive about asking guests**                  | Taking initiative to inquire about guests' needs or preferences before they mention them.         | "Being proactive about asking guests about any food allergies can prevent health issues."                        |





<English Explanation>
Brown rice and white rice are both popular staples, but they differ significantly in terms of nutrition, taste, and processing.

Nutritional Differences:
Brown Rice: Brown rice is a whole grain, meaning it contains all parts of the grain - the bran, germ, and endosperm. Because of this, it retains more nutrients compared to white rice. It is high in fiber, vitamins (such as B vitamins), and minerals (like magnesium and phosphorus). The high fiber content aids in digestion and helps you feel fuller for longer.

White Rice: White rice, on the other hand, has had the bran and germ removed, leaving mostly the starchy endosperm. This process strips away many nutrients, making white rice less nutritious than brown rice. However, it is often enriched with some vitamins and iron to compensate for this loss.

Taste and Texture:
Brown Rice: Brown rice has a nuttier flavor and a chewier texture compared to white rice. Some people prefer its more robust taste, while others might find it less palatable.

White Rice: White rice is softer and more neutral in flavor, which can make it more versatile in various dishes. Its soft texture and mild taste make it a preferred choice for many people.

Brown Rice: Brown rice undergoes minimal processing, which helps retain its nutritional benefits. The only step it undergoes is the removal of the outer husk.

White Rice: White rice goes through more extensive processing, including milling to remove the husk, bran, and germ, and polishing to give it a white, shiny appearance.

Cooking Time:
Brown Rice: Brown rice takes longer to cook than white rice due to its outer bran layer. It typically requires about 40-50 minutes of cooking time.

White Rice: White rice cooks faster, usually in about 15-20 minutes.

Choosing between brown rice and white rice often depends on personal preference and dietary needs. Brown rice offers more health benefits due to its higher nutrient content, while white rice is favored for its quick cooking time and softer texture.



玄米: 玄米は全粒穀物で、ふすま、胚芽、胚乳のすべての部分を含んでいます。このため、白米に比べて多くの栄養素を保持しています。食物繊維やビタミン(特にBビタミン)、ミネラル(マグネシウムやリンなど)が豊富です。高い食物繊維の含有量は消化を助け、満腹感を長持ちさせます。

白米: 一方、白米はふすまと胚芽が取り除かれ、主にでんぷん質の胚乳のみが残っています。この過程で多くの栄養素が失われるため、玄米に比べて栄養価が低くなります。しかし、失われた栄養素を補うために、ビタミンや鉄分が添加されることがよくあります。

玄米: 玄米はナッツのような風味があり、白米に比べて噛みごたえがあります。より強い味わいを好む人もいれば、味が好ましくないと感じる人もいます。

白米: 白米は柔らかく、味がより中立的です。さまざまな料理に使いやすく、その柔らかい食感と穏やかな味わいから多くの人に好まれます。

玄米: 玄米は最小限の加工しか施されないため、栄養価が保たれます。外皮を取り除く工程だけが行われます。

白米: 白米はより多くの加工が行われ、外皮、ふすま、胚芽を取り除く精米と、白く光沢のある見た目にする研磨の工程を経ます。

玄米: 玄米は外皮があるため、白米よりも調理時間が長くなります。通常、40〜50分の調理時間が必要です。

白米: 白米は調理が早く、通常15〜20分で調理が完了します。




<English Explanation>
Wasabi comes in various forms, with two common types being coarse-grated wasabi and creamy wasabi paste. These two types differ significantly in texture, flavor intensity, and usage.

Coarse-Grated Wasabi: This type of wasabi retains a rough, gritty texture, as it is made from freshly grated wasabi root. The small chunks and fibers from the root are still present, giving it a crunchy feel. This texture can add a unique mouthfeel to dishes, making the eating experience more dynamic.

Creamy Wasabi Paste: In contrast, creamy wasabi paste is smooth and homogeneous. It is typically made by grinding wasabi root into a fine paste and sometimes mixing it with other ingredients to achieve a uniform consistency. The creamy texture allows it to blend seamlessly into sauces or to be used as a spread.

Flavor Intensity:
Coarse-Grated Wasabi: The flavor of coarse-grated wasabi is intense and fresh, as it comes directly from the grated root. The volatile compounds responsible for wasabi’s sharpness are more prominent, providing a robust and immediate kick of heat and aroma.

Creamy Wasabi Paste: Creamy wasabi paste tends to have a milder and more consistent flavor. The process of making the paste can sometimes diminish the intensity of the wasabi's natural heat. It offers a more subdued and balanced heat, which can be preferable for those who find fresh wasabi too strong.

Coarse-Grated Wasabi: This type of wasabi is ideal for sushi and sashimi, where its fresh, intense flavor can shine. It is often served as a small mound on the side, allowing diners to control the amount they use. Its texture also makes it suitable for adding a bit of crunch to dishes.

Creamy Wasabi Paste: Creamy wasabi paste is versatile and convenient for a variety of culinary applications. It can be easily mixed into dressings, sauces, and marinades, or used as a spread on sandwiches and burgers. Its smooth texture ensures it incorporates well without affecting the overall texture of the dish.

Choosing between coarse-grated wasabi and creamy wasabi paste depends on personal preference and the specific culinary application. Coarse-grated wasabi offers a more authentic, intense experience, while creamy wasabi paste provides convenience and versatility.



荒切りわさび: このタイプのわさびは、粗いざくざくした食感を持っています。新鮮なわさびの根をすりおろして作られるため、小さな塊や繊維が残り、カリカリとした感触を楽しむことができます。この食感が料理に独特の口当たりを加え、食べる体験をよりダイナミックにします。

クリーミーな練りワサビ: 一方、クリーミーな練りワサビは滑らかで均一な食感です。わさびの根を細かくすりつぶし、他の成分と混ぜて均一なコンシステンシーを実現しています。このクリーミーな食感は、ソースに混ぜたり、スプレッドとして使用するのに適しています。

荒切りわさび: 荒切りわさびの風味は、新鮮ですりおろした根から直接得られるため、強烈で新鮮です。わさびの辛味の原因となる揮発性化合物がより顕著で、強力で即座に感じる辛さと香りを提供します。

クリーミーな練りワサビ: クリーミーな練りワサビは、風味が穏やかで一貫しています。ペーストを作る過程で、わさびの自然な辛さがやや和らぐことがあります。より控えめでバランスの取れた辛さを提供するため、新鮮なわさびが強すぎると感じる人には好まれます。

荒切りわさび: このタイプのわさびは、寿司や刺身に最適です。その新鮮で強烈な風味が料理の中で際立ちます。小さな山盛りにして添えられることが多く、食べる人が使用量を調整できるようになっています。また、その食感は料理に少しカリッとした要素を加えるのに適しています。

クリーミーな練りワサビ: クリーミーな練りワサビは、多用途で便利な調理用具です。ドレッシング、ソース、マリネに簡単に混ぜ込むことができ、サンドイッチやバーガーのスプレッドとしても使用できます。その滑らかな食感は、料理の全体的な食感に影響を与えずにうまく組み合わせることができます。











| English Expression                                           | Explanation                                                                                                 | Example Sentence                                                                                                     |
| **Diagnose**                                                 | To identify a disease or condition through a medical examination or other diagnostic tools.                  | "Doctors diagnose conditions based on symptoms and tests."                                                           |
| **Diagnosed with**                                           | Having been identified as having a particular disease or condition.                                         | "She was diagnosed with celiac disease last year."                                                                   |
| **Diagnosed with food allergies**                            | Identified as having adverse reactions to specific foods.                                                   | "My nephew was diagnosed with food allergies, so we need to be careful with what he eats."                           |
| **As so much of the hospitality industry**                   | Referring to a large portion of the industry known for service and food.                                    | "As so much of the hospitality industry depends on customer satisfaction, staff training is crucial."                |
| **Revolves around**                                          | Centers or focuses on.                                                                                      | "The job largely revolves around handling customer queries and ensuring a positive dining experience."               |
| **Whipping up**                                              | Quickly or efficiently preparing.                                                                           | "He's great at whipping up tasty meals even when there's not much in the fridge."                                    |
| **Whipping up delicious food and drinks**                    | Preparing tasty meals and beverages efficiently.                                                            | "The cafe is known for whipping up delicious food and drinks that bring in regulars."                                |
| **Before you move on, below is a recap of the key takeaways from this page** | Introduction to a summary or review section of important points covered on a page or in a discussion.       | "Before you move on, below is a recap of the key takeaways from this chapter on food safety."                        |
| **Can be fatal**                                             | Having the potential to cause death.                                                                        | "Allergies to peanuts can be fatal, so it's crucial to manage them carefully."                                       |
| **Can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms**                 | Capable of inducing various negative physical reactions.                                                    | "Gluten can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms in those with gluten intolerance, such as bloating and headaches." |
| **Lupin**                                                    | A type of legume that can cause allergic reactions similar to peanuts.                                      | "Products containing lupin must be labeled clearly, as it's a less common allergen that can cause severe reactions." |
| **Celery**                                                   | A vegetable that is a common allergen and must be declared in food products in many places.                  | "Celery must be listed on menus if used in dishes, as it's a known allergen."                                        |
| **Soya beans**                                               | A common food allergen sourced from soy plants.                                                             | "Soya beans are a versatile ingredient but can cause allergic reactions in some people."                             |
| **Sulphur dioxide and sulphites**                            | Chemicals used as preservatives in food that can cause allergic reactions, particularly in asthmatic individuals. | "Sulphur dioxide and sulphites are used in wine making, but they must be listed on the label due to allergy concerns."|
| **Crustaceans**                                              | A group of seafood that can cause allergies, including crabs, lobsters, and shrimp.                          | "Crustaceans are a common allergen, and guests should be warned of their presence in dishes."                        |
| **Mollusk**                                                  | Soft-bodied invertebrates covered with a hard shell, some types of which can cause food allergies.            | "Common allergenic mollusks include clams, mussels, and oysters."                                                    |
| **Shellfish**                                                | A category of aquatic animals with shells that are often allergenic, such as shrimp, crabs, and lobsters.    | "Shellfish should be handled carefully in kitchens to prevent cross-contact with other foods."                       |
| **Freshwater clam**                                          | A type of mollusk found in freshwater environments, can also be an allergen like other shellfish.             | "Freshwater clam is a delicacy in some regions but can trigger allergies similar to other shellfish."                |
| **They have been subject to cross-contact**                  | Refers to instances where food products have come into contact with allergens during processing or handling. | "These dishes have been subject to cross-contact with nuts in the kitchen."                                          |
| **Close proximity to nut products**                          | Being near or adjacent to nut-based items, which might pose risks for cross-contamination.                   | "Since our bakery products are made in close proximity to nut products, we advise caution for those with allergies." |
| **Unintentionally come into contact with nuts**              | Accidentally being exposed to nuts during the food preparation process.                                      | "This meal may have unintentionally come into contact with nuts during preparation."                                |
| **Free-from**                                                | A term used to describe products that do not contain common allergens like gluten, dairy, nuts, etc.         | "We offer a range of free-from products for those with specific dietary requirements."                              |
| **Under rigorous controls**                                  | Managed or conducted with strict and thorough measures.                                                     | "Our manufacturing process is conducted under rigorous controls to ensure product safety."                          |






1. 「〜する時はいつでも」
英文: Whenever you call me, I'll be there.
日本語訳: あなたが電話してくれる時はいつでも、私はそこにいるよ。

2. 「〜するたびに」
英文: Whenever it rains, I like to stay indoors and read a book.
日本語訳: 雨が降るたびに、私は家の中にいて本を読むのが好きです。

3. 「いつでも」
英文: You can come to visit me whenever you like.
日本語訳: あなたが好きな時にいつでも訪ねてきていいですよ。

4. 「何かが起こるたびに」
英文: Whenever he gets nervous, he starts biting his nails.
日本語訳: 彼は緊張するたびに爪を噛み始める。

5. 「〜する度に」
英文: Whenever I see this photo, I remember our trip to the mountains.
日本語訳: この写真を見るたびに、山への旅行を思い出します。







1. サウスオール(Southall)

2. ハウンズロー(Hounslow)

3. イルフォード(Ilford)

4. ウェンブリー(Wembley)

5. クロイドン(Croydon)






1. 歴史的背景

2. 経済的要因と労働力の需要

3. コミュニティの形成

4. 文化的ネットワークと支援

5. 社会的要因

6. 経済的上昇とビジネスチャンス






| English Expression                                             | Explanation                                                                                   | Example Sentence                                                                                         |
| **If you do not already have a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account, you will be asked to** | A directive related to immigration procedures in the UK, indicating the need to create an account if one does not exist. | "If you do not already have a UKVI account, you will be asked to set one up to process your application." |
| **Legal representative**                                       | A person, typically a lawyer, who acts on behalf of another in legal matters.                  | "You may want to hire a legal representative to handle the intricacies of your immigration case."         |
| **Whenever**                                                   | At any time; on any occasion (used to make a statement less specific).                         | "You can call me whenever you need assistance."                                                          |
| **We don't know when it strikes**                              | Used to express uncertainty about the timing of a future event.                               | "We don't know when the next earthquake will strike—it could be anytime."                                |
| **We don't know whenever it strikes**                          | Incorrect usage of "whenever" to mean a specific but unknown time. Should use "when."         | Correct usage: "We don't know when it strikes." Incorrect: "We don't know whenever it strikes."          |
| **Spontaneous**                                                | Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination without premeditation. | "The decision to go on a weekend getaway was completely spontaneous."                                    |
| **Spontaneously**                                              | In a spontaneous manner; without planning or external influence.                              | "She decided spontaneously to join the seminar."                                                        |
| **Let's create opportunities in football and education.**      | A proposal to initiate or develop new chances for involvement or progress in sports and academics. | "Let's create opportunities in football and education for underprivileged youth in our community."       |
| **Let's appeal.**                                              | Suggests making a formal request or call for action, often in a legal or administrative context. | "If the visa is denied, let's appeal the decision immediately."                                          |






・仮定する - ある状況や事実が真であると仮定する時に使います。
・提案する - 何かをすることを提案する際に使われます。
・思う、考える - 軽い推測や個人的な意見を表す時に使います。


1. 仮定する

Example: Suppose you won a million dollars. What would you do?Translation: 仮にあなたが100万ドル当たったとしましょう。何をしますか?


2. 提案する

Example: Suppose we go to the beach this weekend.
Translation: 今週末、ビーチに行くのはどうでしょうか。


3. 思う、考える

Example: I suppose he's not coming because of the rain.
Translation: 彼は雨のせいで来ないだろうと思います。


「時間を合わせるよ」は英語で「I'll match the time」や「I'll adjust the time」などと言えますが、具体的な状況によって表現が異なります。たとえば、誰かと予定を合わせる場合には「I'll coordinate the time」や「I'll align my schedule with yours」という表現が使えます。



| English Expression | Explanation                                                                 | Example Sentence                                                                       |
| **Recipient's Name** | The name of the person who is to receive something, typically used in formal or written communications. | "Ensure the recipient's name is correct on the envelope before mailing it."             |
| **Bamboo shoot**    | The edible shoots of the bamboo plant, commonly used in Asian cuisine.      | "I added bamboo shoots to the stir-fry for a bit of crunch."                            |
| **Bamboo sprout**   | Another term for bamboo shoots, emphasizing their young, sprouting stage.   | "Bamboo sprouts are tender and tasty additions to soups and salads."                    |
| **Off topic**       | Not relevant to the current subject of discussion.                          | "Let's stick to the agenda and try to avoid going off topic during the meeting."        |
| **Concur**          | To agree or have the same opinion.                                          | "I concur with your assessment of the situation; we should proceed with caution."       |
| **Suppose**         | To assume something is true without confirmation; to consider hypothetically. | "Suppose we arrive late, will there still be enough time to set up for the event?"      |




「bamboo shoot」または「bamboo sprout」と言うらしい。ネイティブの人に言われて一瞬何のことかわからなかった。







"far more that unites than divides us”





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