A law to Enrich the Life
The months and days are travelers of eternity.
The years that come and go are also voyagers.
These are the sayings of a famous haiku poet in japan, MATSO BASHO.
He’s saying that we should leave the past where it belongs,and that no one ever knows what will happen in the future. what comes to mind when you think about life?
Today I'm going to talk about 2 stories.
My father died when I was 16 years old. Even though he worked late on weekdays as a building constructor, he always thought of his family no matter how busy he was.
One day however, he passed away from disease. I still vividly remember his painful look in the bedroom. Since then, my mother struggles with the burden of single parenthood. I still have a lot more things to do with him. Every time I remember him, I always feel frustrated. If he were here, I would say "I'm doing well, dad." That is why I think it's important to live in the moment. After this tragedy, I decided to treasure every single moment with my mother.
My next story is about the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, At that time I was a college student. On the day of the earthquake, it was very snowy, and freezing cold.
I spent the whole night with a candle and a blanket. Even though my hometown was not damaged that much. I was shocked at the footage of tsunami - struck areas on TV. In there, a lot of children were crying for help. As the death toll went higher and higher over time, I started to think "what can I do in this situation?" All human beings are mortal. But no one knows when to die. How would you feel If your significant other were dead in an instant? We can learn from our failure not to weste any single moment.
As the proverb goes, "Repentance comes too late," no matter how much we regret the past, it gets us nowhere.
Life will never take the course that you want.
9 out of 10 things in life are hard, but I would like the other 1 to be worth remembering, because I do believe I'm living in the present. We never are reminded of the moment without enduring a hard time. We shouldnt waste any single moment to protect lives.
As you can see in the beginning, if you read Haiku of Matsuo Basho, you will know how you can live sadness and suffering. If you can notice it, it is a day to meet the Law of Happiness.
彼は、月日というのは、永遠に旅を続ける旅人のようなものであり、 来ては去り、去っては来る年もまた同じように旅人である言っています。
父は私が16歳の時に亡くなりました。 建設業の仕事で平日は遅くまで働いていたが、どんなに忙しくても家族のことを考えていた。
しかしある日、彼は病気で亡くなりました。 寝室での彼の苦しそうな表情を今でも鮮明に覚えています。 それ以来、母は女で1人で辛い想いをしてきました。 父とはまだまだやりたいことがたくさんあります。 父のことを思い出すたびに、いつも胸が張り裂けそうで苦しくなる。もし父がここにいたら、「お父さん、元気だよ」と言いたい。だからこそ、今を生きることが大切だと思います。 この悲劇の後、私は母との一瞬一瞬を大切にしようと決心しました。
次回は2011年の東日本大震災のお話です。当時私は大学生でした。 震災当日は大雪で、凍えるような寒さでした。
ロウソクと毛布を持って一晩中過ごしました。 実家はさほど被害を受けてませんでした。しかし テレビで津波の被災地の映像を見てショックを受けました。 そこでは、たくさんの子供たちが助けを求めて泣いていました。 死者数がどんどん増えていくにつれ、「この状況で何ができるのか」と考えるようになりました。 すべての人が死んでいく姿を。しかし、いつ死ぬかは誰にもわかりません。 あなたの大切な人が一瞬で死んだらどう思いますか?
人生が10 のうち 9 割は辛くても、残りの 1 割が楽しく幸せであればその価値は計り知れない。それは今生きているからこそ分かる事だからだ。