人種差別ってどうして生まれるの? Why do we differ from one another?
私は大学4年間をアメリカの保守的な地域で過ごした。そこではアジア人である事は決して「良いこと」「有利」ではなかった。渡米する前はアメリカにとてつもない期待を抱いていたと思う。 日本のモノカルチャーで育った私からしたら色んな宗教、人種が混じり合って暮らしているアメリカが夢のような素晴らしい国に見えた。
The news about George Floyd is one of the big news right now. He wasn't the 1st African American to be abused and killed by a police. The racism in the U.S. isn't something just started but has a long history, especially the racism against African Americans and it seems that it will not go away anytime soon.
I spent 4 years of my university life in a rural conservetive area in the U.S. Being an Asian international student, I cannot say it was easy to live there. Being Asian there was anything but 'beneficial' or 'good thing'. Before going to the U.S. I had dreamt about the country as an amazing country where all the races, cultures, and religions come together in harmony. Especially coming from Japan, one of monoculture countries, I had a high expectation in the U.S.
However, as soon as I landed on the soil I realised my dream place was just a dream and the reality was completely different from what I had imagined. I would not say everywhere in the U.S. is the same but where I was, rural conservative place, races and religions did not come together in harmony. The area was very caucasian oriented and caucasian ratio was more than 80% when I was there. the racial groups usually kept themselves.
They weren't necessarily living in a racial harmony but rather they just share the same area.
So far, I made my U.S. experience sound very poor but actually I made a lot of friends while there and the time in the U.S. is one of the highlights of my life. I would like to write about my time in the U.S. in other time but today I would like to talk about something else. Something almost shocked me to death.
I have 3 kids and all of them at this moment go to elementary school. My oldest is year 6 and she sometimes looks after her younger sister during school recess. One day my eldest, A, told me on the way back home that M, younger sister was mean to one of preppies. I asked M what happened and she sad
"Because I was playing with other kids and she came to us but we didn't want to play with her"
Me "what did you say to her?"
M "I said I didn't want to play with her"
Me "You guys probably looked having a lot of fun. Is there anything else why you didn't want to play with her? Anything Happened before?"
M ".....she is dark."
Me ".......(what the xxxx did she just say?!)"
Later on, I found out that the girl was African. I was incredibly shocked by the fact M had this idea of racism. It is true it's rare to see Africans in the area we live in, however we shouldn't have any negativities toward immigrants or different cultures (well, I am indeed an immigrant myself too).
Later that day, I had a serious chat with M and told her about racism though I am not certain how much she understood. This incident reminded me of the time I was in the U.S. when I felt pretty uncomfortable in a group just because I was Asian. I wanted to know why M felt that way toward this girl.
I wonder how she categorises races because one of her best mates has Indian background.
Why humans discriminate? Where does it come from? How does it start? M's words made me wonder. What do you guys think?
Hope all are having a good day!