P026 をくみたてる
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配線図 -> Google Drive
Step1 Main board
Solder the small parts first. There are 3 resistors and 1 capacitor.
Next, solder the ESP32C3. At this time, solder each one point diagonally first to prevent it from floating. GND allows heat to escape easily, so solder carefully.
Eliminate flux with a flux cleaner.
Solder the pin (2P), L pin (4P), and switch as shown in the photo. Then install the spacer. The front side is 6mm and the back side is 10mm.
Solder the encoder with the encoder board. Add some solder to the contact points with the main board.
Temporarily attach the encoder board to the main board. Use a file to file down the sides of the encoder board so that it is level with the spacer.
Apply solder to the contacts on the main board side. Then solder the boards together. Install the encoder board at right angles to the main board. Alternate soldering to ensure even thermal stress.
Install the tact switch. Then do the soldering. The switch may float, so first solder only one point on each switch, make sure there is no floating, and then solder the remaining three points.
Finally, attach the LCD. Install the LCD screen so that it is parallel to the board.
Check with a tester that there are no short circuits and that the resistor is properly installed.
Step2 Battery Board
Install the USB-C battery charging board.
Connect between both contacts using electric wires (not included). (Planned to improve in the future)
Solder the battery connection cable.
Protect the cable so that it will not short circuit even if it comes off.
Disconnect terminals 1 and 2 using a cutter, etc. After confirming that it is disconnected with a tester, connect between 2 and 3.
*When connecting 1-2 : Supplies 3.0-4.2V to the main board (No LDO required)
*When connecting 2-3 : Supplies 3.0-3.3V to the main board
Install the LDO and capacitor. Install a 2.2uf capacitor on the right side of the photo, and a 0.33uf capacitor (substitute 0.39uf, etc.) on the left side of the photo.
Connect the battery. Please make sure the polarity matches before connecting. (At this point, the socket in top side of photo is not installed)
Please make sure 3.2-3.3V is supplied between GND-3.3V with the tester.
Incorrect polarity may cause overheating or fire.
Fix the battery in a position where it will not interfere with the main board.
<Important!!> If the battery is damaged, there is a risk of overheating and ignition.
<重要!!> バッテリーが傷つくと加熱・発火の恐れがあります。
Step3 Assemble
Insert the socket into the pin and connect the main board and battery board. At this time, spread the pin contacts slightly inward, outward, outward, and inward.
Solder the socket pins.
Create a USB connector.
Insert the socket and connector into each other and secure them by soldering.
Insert it into the L pin of the main board. The encoder side becomes GND.<Important!!> If you connect it in the opposite direction, the 5V on the PC side will be connected to the GND of the WiFI Throttle. Please work carefully.
<重要!>反対向きに繋ぐと、PC側の5VがWiFI ThrottleのGNDに接続されます。慎重に作業をしてください。
Turn on the power while pushing the encoder. After confirming that the LCD is white and that the main unit is not heating, smoking, or smelling, connect it to the PC using the USB cable. If your PC does not recognize the ESP32C, please rotate the encoder. If the driver is not installed, please install it.
Upload the sketch using the Arudino IDE. I will not explain how to use the Arudino IDE here.
-> 参考ページ
【上級】Arudino IDEを使用して、スケッチを書き込んでください。Arudino IDEの使用方法はここでは割愛します。
-> 参考ページ
Attach the case, cap and knob to complete.
If you have difficulty pressing the button, use a file to roughly file down the bottom of the cap by approximately 0.5 mm.
PC does not recognize the ESP32C3.
Must be in writable mode. You need to turn on the power while pushing the encoder button. In writable mode, the screen will be white.
Pins are shared by USB input and encoder input. Try rotating the encoder to see if it is recognized.
Even when connected to a PC, power is obtained from the battery. Make sure it can be powered by the battery.
It doesn't recognize the button when I press it.
Try removing the cap and pressing it. If you can press it easily in this state, the cap is inserted deeply into the tact switch. Roughly file the bottom of the cap to about 0.5mm.