HLAB サマースクール Daily Report ~TOKUSHIMA 2021~
HLAB サマースクール 2021が終わり早くも半年が経ちました。
8月13日から8月20日にかけて行われたHLABサマースクール 2021には、約230名の高校生が参加してくれました。オンラインやハイブリッドなど様々な形態で開催されたサマースクール。
コロナ禍で開催されたHLAB 2021 サマースクールで高校生が何を感じ、学んだのかがわかる内容となっています。是非、ご一読ください。
【HLAB Summer School 2021 Daily Report Vol.1】
本日より、HLAB サマースクール 2021(HLAB TOKUSHIMA)が始まりました。今年はこれまでサマースクールを開催してきた、東京・長野県小布施町・徳島県牟岐町・宮城県女川町のほか、新たに群馬県中之条町を加え、全国5地域を舞台とするサマースクールを展開しました。オンラインで行われた開会式では、高校生代表や委員長が気持ちがこもったスピーチをし、牟岐町の関係者の皆様からお言葉を頂けました。開会式終了後は、緊張をほぐすための「アイスブレイク」や「クリエイティブワークショップ」、「メンターフリーインタラクション」、「ハウス交流」、一日を振り返る「リフレクション」を行いました。クリエイティブワークショップではオンライン上で牟岐の写真とともに参加者の似顔絵や地元の特産品を描きました。参加者は自分の話をすることで少しずつ打ち解けることができました。初めてのリフレクションでは短い時間でしたが、サマースクールに応募した理由を共有した他、HLABに参加して達成したい目標をメンターと一緒に立てました。
The HLAB Summer School 2021 (HLAB TOKUSHIMA) started today. This year, in addition to Tokyo, Obuse, Onagawa, Gunma, where HLAB Summer School has been held in the past, Nakanojo Town in Gunma Prefecture was newly added to the program, making it possible for the summer school to be held in five regions across Japan. At the opening ceremony held online, the high school students' representatives and committee chairs gave heartfelt speeches. We also received words of encouragement from the people of Muki Town. After the opening ceremony, we had an ice-breaker to ease the tension, a creative workshop, free interaction with university students, house exchange, and reflection on the day. In the Creative WS, we drew portraits of the participants and local specialties along with photos of Muki online. Participants were able to get to know each other a little better by sharing their own stories. In the first reflection session, they had a short time to make a plan with their mentors on why they applied for the summer school and what they wanted to achieve by participating in HLAB.
【HLAB Summer School Daily Report Vol.2】
Unfortunately, it had been raining for several days nationwide, but we were able to start the second day of Summer School with a fresh feeling. The first event of the day was seminars facilitated by the college students who study overseas. At first, the participants were a bit nervous about lectures in English, but we were so impressed with their willingness to challenge themselves. After lunch, a self-analysis workshop was held. Using lifeline charts and emotion graphs, participants were able to look back on their past and discover who they are as a person. Later in the forum, we invited Ms. Sayaka Tanaka and Ms. Asuka Saito from Waffle, a general incorporated association that provides IT and STEM education opportunities to many female junior and senior high school students. After having dinner, we had a reflection session as on the first day. The mentors were happy to see many of the participants gradually exposing themselves and growing.
【HLAB Summer School Daily Report Vol.3】
The Summer School has finally come to a close. We started the third day with seminars done in English. It was encouraging to see the participants trying their best to respond to the more advanced contents. After lunch, the participants worked on their assignments by themselves in preparation for some projects to be held the next day. We think it was a great opportunity to review what they had learned so far from the seminars and to reflect on the new aspects of themselves that they had discovered through the interactions with others. Afterwards, the participants were able to deepen their friendship with others through High School Students Free Interaction. Then, we ended the day with a daily reflection. In a relaxed mood before going to bed, the participants revealed what they had on their mind and tried their best to verbalize their thoughts. We are looking forward to seeing how they grow by the last day.
【HLAB Summer School Daily Report Vol.4】
Fourth day of the summer school. The first activity we split into small groups and reflected on the seminar. We shared our impressions of the two-day seminar and what disciplines we were interested in. For the next project, we discussed in the house what we learned from the forum held on the second day. This was followed by a free interaction for working adults. This free interaction is a place for free and mutual exchange with guests and mentors who are active in society. I was inspired by the unique personalities of the guests as they pursued their favorite things. The participants also actively asked questions and presented what they learned to the whole group. Before lunch, the participants cooked a traditional Muki dish of Mazekuri-gohan (rice mixed with vegetables) by cooking Misho-Yuzu (citron), kiriboshi-daikon (dried daikon), and hijiki (hijiki), which were sent as summer school goods, as well as local specialties from each participant's residence. During lunch, the participants had a chance to talk with the people of Muki, which gave them a better sense of Muki's character. In the evening, we had our final reflection. We reflected on what we learned and what we realized during the summer school, and talked about how we can make use of what we learned this summer even after the summer school is over. On the last night, some of the participants were able to confide in each other about their worries, which they usually couldn't talk about, and we were able to deepen our friendship in the house.
【HLAB Summer School Daily Report Vol.5】
TOKUSHIMA・GUNMAは本日がサマースクール最終日となり、HLAB サマースクール 2021は無事に全日程が終了しました。午前中はまず「Visionワークショップ」を実施。興味のあることや現在社会に対して抱く思いを言語化し、未来のビジョンをより明確にしようとする参加者の姿が見受けられました。その後は「Why HLAB企画」に移り、5日間で学んだことやこれからの意気込みを、写真やデザインを用いて1枚の紙に表現しました。1人1人の個性が感じられる素敵な作品ばかりでした。午後は行燈作成ワークショップを実施。各自自宅に届けられた行燈の枠組みに、それぞれの思いを書いた和紙を貼り付け、小さいサイズの行燈を作成しました。さらに参加者がWhy HLAB企画で作成し送ってくれた紙を貼り付け、本部であるSHIMOKITA COLLEGEにおいて実寸大の行燈も作られました。それぞれの思いが形になった瞬間だったと感じています。そして最後を締めくくるのは閉会式。参加者は5日間を通して見つけた自分色を胸に、明るい未来へと出発していきました。
Today was the last day of the summer school for TOKUSHIMA and GUNMA, and HLAB Summer School 2021 has successfully completed its entire schedule. In the morning, the Vision Workshop was held. Participants tried to clarify their vision for the future by verbalizing their interests and thoughts about the current society. After that, we moved on to the Why HLAB project, in which participants expressed what they had learned and their enthusiasm for the future by drawing. In the afternoon, we held a workshop on making Andon (paper lanterns). participants made their own Andon which is a small size at home. In addition, the paper that the participants had made in the Why HLAB project was sent to us, and made a full-size Andon at the headquarters, SHIMOKITA COLLEGE. The final event of the day was the closing ceremony. The participants left for the bright future with their own colors that they had found through the summer school.