
HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023 Daily Report

HLABサマースクールの様子を、期間中毎日お届けする「Daily Report」

【Day1】 「想いを膨らませる」 お互いを知る

HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023は8月14日、中予地方局で開幕しました。開会式では、実行委員長や海外大学生代表、そして緊張しながらも挑戦を決意した高校生参加者代表も登壇し、このサマースクールへの意気込みを熱く語りました。

バルーンリリース / Baloon release


ウェルカムディナー / Welcome dinner




HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023 began on August 14 at the Chuyo Regional Office. At the opening ceremony, the chairperson of the executive committee, representatives of overseas university students, and representatives of high school student participants, who were nervous but determined to take on the challenge, took the stage and spoke enthusiastically about their enthusiasm for this summer school.

高校生代表スピーチ / Opening speech from a high school student

During the bus ride to Omishima, the main venue for the first half of the summer school, the high school students actively interacted with each other and even tried to communicate with their overseas university student mentors in English. It was a valuable opportunity to strengthen bonds with peers from different backgrounds and cultures.

アイスブレイクの様子 / Taking a selfie as an icebreaker

In the reflection session at the end of each day's activities, each house shared their feelings about the first day of the summer school and what kind of week they wanted to have. Some of the high school students told us that they wanted to make this summer school a turning point in their lives. Through today I felt once again that all the mentors wanted to make the best of the summer school and provide a wonderful experience.

From the second day onward, the days will be filled with seminars, forums, and a variety of other activities. We hope that this will be a wonderful opportunity for the participants to gain new perspectives.

【Day2】 「出逢う」色々な角度から刺激を受ける 安心する

HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023の2日目が始まりました。


セミナーの様子 / Seminar

午後のフォーラムでは、元サッカー日本代表監督の岡田武史氏と今治造船株式会社 代表取締役社長 檜垣幸人氏をゲストに迎え、HLAB代表の小林亮介をモデレーターとしてパネルディスカッションを行いました。

フォーラムの様子 / Fourm



The second day of HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023 has begun.

After breakfast, we had our first seminar in the morning. This seminar involved academic classes led by international university students. The high school participants, who weren't accustomed to English, initially found it challenging, but with the support of Japanese university students, they gradually gained confidence and increased their participation. Witnessing their efforts leading to more active engagement and contributions was heartening.

自己分析企画 / High school students analysing themselves

Following the seminar, we interviewed several high school students. They expressed eagerness to learn new knowledge that isn't typically covered in regular schools and showed interest in delving deeper into various topics. Their enthusiasm for growth and learning is truly inspiring!

During the afternoon forum, we had the honor of hosting former Japan national soccer team coach, Mr. Takeshi Okada, and the President and CEO of Imabari Shipbuilding, Mr. Yukihito Higaki, as guests. A panel discussion was led by HLAB's representative, Mr. Ryosuke Kobayashi.
Despite it being only the second day, some high school students might not have been well-acquainted with Ehime, but after listening to the impactful stories shared by these two remarkable individuals, they gained a deep appreciation for the abundant talent in Ehime.

The self-analysis session encouraged reflection on past experiences, interests, and personal values, and provided valuable insights.

大学生メンターと交流する高校生 / High school students talking with mentors

Additionally, sharing information with their paired high school peers allowed for a greater understanding of others with diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of unity within a unique community.
Today undoubtedly provided high school students with a day filled with various stimuli from different perspectives.

【Day3】 「種を蒔く」楽しむ 考える種を見つける

HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023の3日目になりました。今日は大三島で過ごす最後の日です。



フォーラムでお話しされる塩崎様 / Mr. Shiozaki's speech in Ehime



海洋ごみ問題について話し合う高校生 / High school students discussing water pollution


HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023 has reached its third day.
Today is the last day spent on Okishima Island.
In the morning, the second seminar took place. The high school students are gradually getting accustomed to the English-led seminar and are showing more proactive engagement, making their voices heard.

Following that, we had the privilege of hosting former Lower House member Mr. Yasuhisa Shiozaki for a forum. He discussed the significance of universities, reforms in national universities, and the roles of university students. He emphasized the importance of voting, the ability to see through false facades, and personal ethics. The word "essence" left a profound impact.

塩崎様との集合写真 / Group photograph with Mr. Shiozaki

In the afternoon, we ventured outdoors for a community workshop. This workshop aimed to refresh everyone after three intense days of learning. It was heartwarming to see each house taking photos against the backdrop of the beautiful sea on Okishima Island. While there may have been some exhaustion from these three days, the sight of everyone enjoying themselves and discovering Ehime's charms through photography was striking.

Following the community workshop, a social awareness workshop took place. High schoolers examined the issue of marine debris from various perspectives and shared their thoughts. They mentioned that this experience allowed them to understand different viewpoints and values, something they hadn't encountered before. This reminded us, the organizers, of the importance of genuine understanding and profound dialogue.

大三島の海辺での一枚 / Photograph at Omishima island

At the end of the day, high school students reflected on what they had learned and considered. Today's program likely served as a starting point for these students to contemplate themselves and society.

We are eagerly looking forward to the second half of the summer school, which will take place in Ozu starting tomorrow.

【Day4】 「育てる」他者に寄り添う

HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023は4日目を迎えました。大三島の3泊4日の楽しくも、各々自分の課題を発見し、考えさせられる日々を終え、サマースクールも折り返しです。 




大洲城の前で一枚 / A group photo in front of Ozu Castle



HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023 has entered its fourth day. After four fun-filled days and three nights on Omishima, where each student discovered their own issues and thought-provoking days, summer school in Omishima has come to a close.

On the way from Omishima to the facility in Ozu, we visited the Ikata Power Plant. Before visiting the power plant, we borrowed the Ikata Visitor House for our third seminar. Many of the high school students were conscious of the seminar goals set in last night's reflection and were trying to put them into action.
A global side mentor who was conducting the seminar said they were happy to see so many high school students trying their best to understand the content in English, even though it may be difficult for them to understand.

セミナーの一コマ / At the seminar

After that, we had a tour of the Ikata Power Plant with an explanation from a guide.
It is not often that we get a chance to learn about power plants in our daily lives, and at HLAB we believe it is important to try and deepen our learning in areas that we may not have been interested in. I hope that you will continue to visit places you do not usually go to and gain knowledge after the summer school, as you did this time.

After moving to Ozu, we had the Ozu Sustainability Workshop. The purpose of this workshop was to think about sustainability and to learn about Ozu, Ehime Prefecture, by actually walking around the city and listening to the stories of people who are working there.
One student said that the idea of turning a vacant building into a luxury hotel was interesting, while another student who lives in the city said, "When I walked around the town, I noticed that there were very few people, which is not a bad thing, but it is really relaxing compared to the sight of working people rushing to the train or busy people. I want to live in a rural area."

I think that often when you actually walk around a town, you notice things, and your hypothesis is often overturned. We live in an information-overloaded society with the advent of the Internet, but it is really important to actually go to a place and perceive things with your five senses. I hope that this experience will help you to broaden your options for living in a rural area in the future.

The day concluded with a reflection session for each house, but this session was held only for high school students, without the participation of university student mentors. I think there were some things they were able to talk about because there were only high school students at that time. I would also like to hear from tomorrow onwards how deep the dialogue went, and how the reflection went with and without the university students. I think it is time for them to get tired due to the move of accommodations, but I would like them to make the second half of the summer school even more fulfilling and spend invaluable days.

【Day5】 「気付く」自分らしさを明確にする



四国Hacks企画での一枚 / A photo from "Shikoku Hacks" project


タレントショーでダンスを披露 / Performing dance at talent show



Today, we kicked off the morning with a seminar.
With only two seminars left, it's heartwarming to see that even the high school students who initially struggled are now engaging in the sessions with excitement. Some of the high school students found it a bit challenging to quickly voice their opinions or ask questions in English about the topics discussed by international university students. I hope they take this opportunity to identify what they need to improve and work on those aspects beyond summer school.

セミナー中の写真 / A photo of seminar

In the afternoon, we had the Shikoku Hacks project. Various professionals from different fields in Shikoku shared their life stories and values with high school students. Some even provided a hands-on experience, like designing their own kimono and obi to create unique celebratory pouches. The importance of infusing new ideas into traditional culture resonated with many students, as they recognized the significance of adding value while preserving heritage.

Later on, the talent show took the spotlight. This event featured the talents and skills of both high school students and university mentors. Singing, dancing, magic tricks, musical performances – a variety of acts graced the stage, creating an energetic atmosphere in the venue. Though it takes courage to express oneself in front of others, the collective effort to make memorable experiences was truly inspiring. I'm genuinely thankful for the captivating presence of all participants.

パフォーマンスした人に拍手を送る高校生たち / High school students giving applause to performers

During the reflection session that wrapped up the day, we sorted through the learnings and insights gained throughout the summer school. Everyone earnestly contemplated what actions they can take moving forward. Besides discussing the content of the summer school, there were also profound conversations about personal life journeys and pivotal moments. As summer school progresses, the high school students have formed deep bonds, allowing them to reveal their authentic selves and share their hardships. I genuinely hope these connections endure beyond the summer school.
Though we only have two days left in summer school, there's still much more to learn. Today, we gained fresh insights through the theme of "clarifying one's true self and empathizing with others," continuing the journey of discovery."


HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023は6日目を迎えました。

最後のセミナー後に / After the last seminar in the summer school



プレゼンテーションの内容を考える高校生たち / High school students considering what to present


HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023 entered its sixth day.

In the morning, the students completed the last seminar of the summer school. On the first day, some of the students were nervous about learning content they had never studied before in unfamiliar English. However, today, the final day, they were overwhelmed but continued to challenge themselves and became more confident in speaking English and were able to express their opinions with a smile and aplomb.
I hope that the learning they gained from this challenge will not end with the summer school, but will lead to future challenges for the high school students themselves.

In the afternoon, free interaction took place. Guests came not only from professions that high school students are familiar with, but also from professions that high school students are unfamilier with, and many high school students were excited to see a society that they had never known before. I would be happy if the exchange with the guests, who are walking a little further into the future in their own way, could give them hope for the bright future that awaits them in the future.

高校生とお話しされるゲストの方 / Free Interaction guest talking with high school students

In the "Challenge to Ehime Ambassadors" project, which was the culmination of the high school students' week in Ehime, each house reflected on the attractions of sustainable Ehime that they had discovered during the week. And they made proposals to the people in the local community and the prefectural government, to whom they had been indebted during the week. They earnestly exchanged what they had learned during the week, and many innovative ideas were generated during the planning process to deliver this learning to more people. The high school students, who had thought a lot about 'themselves' and 'society' throughout the week, now had the opportunity to think about what they could do to take charge of a sustainable future as the people concerned.

In the reflection session at the end of the day, the students looked back on the summer school and thought about how they would like to connect after the summer school ends. We hope that the high school students, who met others and themselves in dialogue with mentors and high school students from various backgrounds, were able to find even a few hints for their own lives in the future.


HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023は、ついに最終日を迎えました。



HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023 閉会式 / Closing ceremony

その後、大洲から松山へバスで移動し、愛媛県立図書館で出発式と修了式が行われました。ここでHLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023は幕を閉じました。


HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023 has reached its final day.

In the morning, we held a Vision Workshop. The aim of this event was to help participants 'find their life compass' and assure them that their future selves will be just fine. During yesterday’s reflection, many high school students shared that this summer school marked a turning point in their lives. Throughout the summer school, high school students have encountered numerous individuals, gathered a wealth of information and knowledge, and are now pondering how best to incorporate these insights into their futures. I believe many are grappling with these thoughts, and I encourage them to articulate these uncertainties, making them their own.

During the latter part of the Vision Workshop, we set aside time for the final house members to reflect on the entire summer school experience. Over these past seven days, there have been moments of true difficulty and learning experiences. Yet, each day, as it drew to a close, the house members would discuss each program, share compliments, and draw inspiration from the growth they observed in one another. The bonds forged among the house members are undoubtedly enduring. Even after the summer school concludes, the intention to continue meeting and growing is a testament to these enduring connections.

Following this, we traveled by bus from Ozu to Matsuyama, where the Ehime Prefectural Library hosted the closing and graduation ceremonies. HLAB EHIME-DECARBO 2023 has come to end.

別れを惜しむ高校生とメンター / High school students and mentors bidding farewell

The successful conclusion of this summer school is attributed to a collective effort. This includes the participation of the high school students, the parents, and all those who have supported HLAB. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to this summer school experience through this platform. Thank you very much.
