
HLAB 2024 年次総会を開催しました|HLAB 2024 Annual Plenary Meeting Successfully Held
※English follows Japanese
8月23日(金)、東京都千代田区の一橋講堂にて、HLAB 2024年次総会を開催いたしました。当日は、2日前に終了したばかりのHLAB 2024 Summer Schoolの開催報告に加え、HLABのもう1つの柱であるResidential College事業を含む、この1年間の活動についてご報告いたしました。日頃からお世話になっている関係者の皆さまや、多くのHLAB Alumni(卒業生)の皆さまにご参加いただき、今年も盛大に年次総会を執り行うことができました。
On Friday, August 23rd, the HLAB 2024 Annual Plenary Meeting was held at Hitotsubashi Hall in Chiyoda, Tokyo. The meeting included a report on the recently concluded HLAB 2024 Summer School, which had finished just two days prior, along with an overview of our activities over the past year, including our other core program, the Residential College project. The presence of our valued supporters, partners, and many HLAB alumni contributed to making this year's annual meeting a grand and memorable event.
HLAB 年次総会とは|What is HLAB Annual Plenary Meeting

HLAB 年次総会は、HLABが年に1度必ず開催しているイベントです。
また、サマースクールの熱を帯びたまま、参加してくれた高校生、大学生、そしてこれまでにHLABに関わってくれた卒業生(HLAB Alumni)のみなさんが一堂に会する場です。1年に1回のこの機会が、5000人を超えるHLAB Communityのみなさんにとって、旧友と再会し、そして新たな人たちとの出会いの場となることも目指しています。
The HLAB Annual Plenary Meeting is an event held once a year by HLAB. At the meeting, we report on our activities over the past year and express our gratitude to all of our supporters.
It is also a gathering for the high school and university students who participated in the Summer School, as well as HLAB Alumni who have been involved with us since the early days, to come together with the enthusiasm of the Summer School that has continued since its founding. Additionally, this once-a-year event aims to provide the over 5,000 members of the HLAB Community with an opportunity to reunite with old friends and meet new people. Furthermore, we hope that attending this event each year will provide everyone with an opportunity to reflect on the past year.
今年は、高校生や大学生だけでなく、お世話になっているスポンサー企業様やご支援いただいている皆様、サマースクールを共に作り上げている自治体や地域の皆様、日々連携している学校関係者の皆様、個人としてご支援いただいている賛助会員の皆様、そしてHLAB Alumniなど、総勢300名余りの方々にご参加いただきました。お忙しい中ご参加いただきました皆様に、改めてこの場を借りて感謝申し上げます。
This year, the meeting saw the participation of over 300 individuals, including high school and university students, sponsor companies, supporters, municipalities and local communities involved in organizing the Summer School, school representatives who collaborate with us daily, individual benefactors, and HLAB Alumni. Sincere gratitude is extended to all those who joined us despite their busy schedules.
①HLAB 創業者 小林亮介から歓迎のご挨拶|Welcome Speech by HLAB Founder Ryosuke Kobayashi

At the beginning of the Annual Plenary Meeting, HLAB founder Ryosuke Kobayashi shared the story behind HLAB’s inception. He spoke about how the background of HLAB's activities was inspired by his experience at Harvard University, where he learned through dialogue and empathy with young people from diverse backgrounds while living in the dorms. He also highlighted how the encounters and passionate dreams of the colleagues who joined him during the founding served as a major driving force behind the creation of HLAB, and how the baton has been passed and supported by many over the past 14 years to make HLAB what it is today. Additionally, he spoke about HLAB's passion for this project and the educational philosophy that we cherish.
②HLAB 2024 Summer School 開催報告|Report on HLAB 2024 Summer School

サマースクールのパートでは、HLAB 2024 学生代表(CEO)を務めた牟田薫穂、そして各地域のサマースクールを統括した日本と海外の代表から、今年のサマースクールについてご報告しました。
HLAB 2024 Summer Schoolは、TOKYO(東京都)、SHINSHU(長野県伊那市、小布施町)、MIYAGI-ONAGAWA(宮城県女川町)、EHIME-DECARBO(愛媛県大洲市)の日本全国4地域で8月14日〜21日にかけて開催しました。高校生264名を日本の大学生メンター105名、海外の大学生メンター60名が迎え、1週間生活を共にしながら学び合いました。期間中には4地域合わせて300名を超えるゲストの方々にお越しいただき、高校生や大学生に熱く語りかけていただきました。
In the Summer School segment, Yukiho Muta, HLAB 2024 Student Representative(CEO), along with representatives from Japan and abroad who supervised each of the regional Summer Schools, provided a report on this year’s program.
The HLAB 2024 Summer School was held in four regions across Japan from August 14th to 21st: TOKYO (Tokyo Metropolis), SHINSHU (Ina City and Obuse Town in Nagano Prefecture), MIYAGI-ONAGAWA (Onagawa Town in Miyagi Prefecture), and EHIME-DECARBO (Ozu City in Ehime Prefecture). A total of 264 high school students were welcomed by 105 Japanese university student mentors and 60 international university student mentors, living and learning together over the course of one week. During the program, more than 300 guests in total visited across the four regions, passionately speaking to and inspiring the high school and university students.
At the start of each regional report, an ending movie filled with memories from the one-week program was shown. This provided the high school and university students who participated this year with an opportunity to revisit the Summer School, which had concluded just 2-3 days earlier, and to reflect on the feelings, thoughts, and lessons learned during that week.

Representing the high school participants from each region, Rin Sato (TOKYO), Chikahiro Miyamoto (SHINSHU), Moi Nakao (MIYAGI-ONAGAWA), and Yuuna Takagi (EHIME-DECARBO) each delivered a speech. They shared, in their own words, what they felt and learned through the various programs during the week-long Summer School. Through the Summer School, we hope that the values and learnings discovered during seminars, workshops, and daily reflections while engaging seriously with irreplaceable peers will deeply connect to their long future ahead.
大学生からは、Japan Side Mentorを代表し大原理花子(MIYAGI-ONAGAWA)、Global Side Mentorを代表しAdam Klebus(TOKYO)がそれぞれスピーチし、この1年間のプロジェクトを通じた学びをみなさんにシェアしました。
Representing the Japan Side Mentors, Rika Ohara (MIYAGI-ONAGAWA), and representing the Global Side Mentors, Adam Klebus (TOKYO), each delivered a speech, sharing their learnings over the past year’s projects.
High school students and university students from various backgrounds faced many challenges and moments of trial and error throughout the preparation period and the one-week Summer School. While in the position of running the program, they also experienced personal growth and gained valuable learning experiences from diverse perspectives, all in the effort to create a meaningful program for the participating high school students. We are delighted to have successfully concluded this year’s Summer School and to share with you a week full of learning and inspiration.



特に、サマースクール開催に向けてご支援いただきました三菱商事株式会社、株式会社日本経済新聞社、在日米国大使館(TOKYO)、長野県教育委員会、伊那市、伊那商工会議所、小布施町(以上SHINSHU)、女川町、宮城県教育委員会、女川町教育委員会、特定非営利活動法人アスヘノキボウ(以上MIYAGI-ONAGAWA)、Earth hacks株式会社(EHIME-DECARBO)のみなさんに改めて御礼申し上げます。みなさまのお力無くしては、今年のサマースクールは実現できませんでした。本当にありがとうございました。
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all those who supported the Summer School, including Mitsubishi Corporation, Nikkei Inc., the U.S. Embassy in Japan (TOKYO), Nagano Prefecture Board of Education, Ina City, Ina Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Obuse Town (SHINSHU), Onagawa Town, Miyagi Prefecture Board of Education, Onagawa Town Board of Education, NPO ASUENOKIBOU (MIYAGI-ONAGAWA), and Earth Hacks Co., Ltd. (EHIME-DECARBO). The success of this year’s Summer School was made possible by your invaluable support. Thank you very much.
For more details about the HLAB Summer School, please refer to the Daily Report. Updated daily during the Summer School, the report provides insights from the field on the activities and participants in each region. It offers a clear picture of the programs and the learning experiences taking place.
③Residential College 活動報告|Report on HLAB Residential College

年次総会の後半は、Residential Collegeの取り組みについてお話しいたしました。HLABは2020年12月に、Residential College 第1号として、東京都下北沢に「SHIMOKITA COLLEGE」をオープンしました。
SHIMOKITA COLLEGEは高校生、大学生、社会人が共に暮らしながら学ぶ、居住と学びが一体となった施設で、レジデンシャル教育の本丸です。
今年からレジデンシャル・カレッジ事業責任者(Resident Dean)に就任した原田遼太郎より、SHIMOKITA COLLEGEの概要と学びの仕掛けづくりについてお話しし、続いてカレッジ生を代表し、高地麻央さん(BOARDING PROGRAM:高校生対象)、松元謙斗さん(RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM:大学生以上対象)にカレッジでの暮らしと学びの体験についてシェアしていただきました。ふたりとも高校生の時にサマースクールに参加した経験をもち、松元さんは今年のサマースクールでも、愛媛チームの一員として全力で活動してくれていました。サマースクールでの経験と比較しつつ、より「日常」の中に位置付けられたレジデンシャルな学びについて、それぞれの言葉で語ってくれました。
The second half of the Annual Plenary Meeting featured a discussion on the Residential College initiative. In December 2020, HLAB opened its first Residential College, “SHIMOKITA COLLEGE,” in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo. SHIMOKITA COLLEGE is an integrated living and learning facility where high school students, university students, and working adults live and learn together — a core of our residential education. Ryotaro Harata, who assumed the role of Resident Dean this year, introduced the structure and educational strategies of SHIMOKITA COLLEGE. Following this, two representatives of the College residents, Mao Takaji (BOARDING PROGRAM: for high school students) and Kento Matsumoto (RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM: for university students and above), shared their experiences of living and learning at the College. Both had participated in the Summer School during their high school years, and Kento Matsumoto had actively contributed as a member of the Ehime team at this year's Summer School. Comparing their experiences at the Summer School, they each spoke about residential learning, which is more positioned in their "everyday lives."

カレッジは「住む」場所であると同時に、世代や職業、出身地の異なる多くの人と日常的に接することで、多様な価値観に触れることができる場所となっています。「非日常」を体験することのできる短期間のサマースクールとは異なり、日常に溢れる対話や何気ない発見、自分の感情の動きを大切にすることができるSHIMOKITA COLLEGEに、ぜひお気軽にお越しください。
The College is a place where people from different generations, professions, and backgrounds can interact daily and encounter diverse values. Unlike the short-term Summer School, which offers an experience of the "extraordinary," SHIMOKITA COLLEGE allows for everyday conversations, unexpected discoveries, and the nurturing of one's emotional movements. We encourage you to visit SHIMOKITA COLLEGE freely.
HLAB コミュニティの再会の場としての年次総会|The Annual Plenary Meeting as a Reunion for the HLAB Community

The Annual Plenary Meeting was marked by heartwarming reunions as this year’s participants and alumni came together.
Many alumni gathered to celebrate their reconnections and the renewal of old friendships. The meeting also provided a valuable opportunity to reflect on the future of HLAB, inspiring new ideas for the path ahead.
HLAB 2025 年次総会を、2025年8月23日(土)に開催します!|The HLAB 2025 Annual Plenary Meeting to be held on August 23rd, 2025!

HLAB 2024 年次総会にご参加いただいた皆さま、誠にありがとうございました。 来年のHLAB 2025 年次総会は、2025年8月23日(土)に今年に引き続き一橋講堂(東京都千代田区)で開催予定です。皆様との1年後の再会をHLABスタッフ一同心からお待ち申し上げております。今後ともHLABへのご支援とご協力をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you to everyone who participated in the HLAB 2024 Annual Plenary Meeting. The HLAB 2025 Annual Plenary Meeting is scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 23, 2025, once again at Hitotsubashi Hall in Chiyoda, Tokyo. The entire HLAB team looks forward to reconnecting with all of you next year. We appreciate your continued support and cooperation for HLAB.
The transcripts of the speeches given at the Annual Plenary Meeting will be released gradually in the coming days.
