(英語で)自分の人生を少しだけ振り返り。くも膜下出血から奇跡の復活 英語を教えて恩返し?
くも膜下出血から奇跡の復活 英語を教えて恩返し?
2005年ごろ 17歳 くも膜下出血で一瞬危なかった
→小さい時から落ち着きがなく 何かに集中すると周りが見えなくなる
Reflecting a bit on my life…
From early childhood I always have been moving around all the time. It has been hard for me to stay still. Rather I move around and get hurt often. Or once I get something to focus on, I can stay focused like forever.
When I was 17 years old, I hit my back head(hit the back of my headに修正) badly and had a bloodshed inside my brain. I was diagnosed as brain blood spark(→brain hemorrhageに修正), and I lost my consciousness for a while and with super lucky I recovered. I passed the university entrance exam and this is miracle, I think. I am alive today and I am doing okay is also miracle. (→Being alive and doing okay is another miracle.も代案としてOK)
Since then(the incidentも可能) I came to believe there’s something supernatural affecting and saving my life. I had nothing to do with Nagoya. (=My connection with Nagoya wasn’t planned.もOK) My life would have been complete inside Tokyo and nobody asked me to leave my hometown. But for me staying at my hometown didn’t seem exciting very much. I needed some inspiration and stimulation then.
I’m glad(grateful) to be able to gain and enjoy some unique experiences that I might not have had in my hometown.
I thought helping someone by teaching English is a kind of way to pay back what I’ve been blessed so far.
Chat GPTにお願いすれば、より優れた読みやすい英文に直してくれます、が、
#英語で人生振り返る #英作文 #自分をネタに英作文 #ライティング #修正前 #荒削り