
メロン怪獣 メロリンガ(鉾田市)


メロン怪獣カイジュウ メロリンガ


melon monster Melolinga 
height: 66m
weight:60,000 tons
habitat: hokota city
special moves: Melolim breath
weakness: cream soda

An unexplained incident occurred in japan where melons disappeared. the sky suddenly cracked like the mesh of the melon in the production area Hokota city of the melon which the person who knew while the melon farmer in the whole country strengthened the precaution with the wrinkle of a large-scale theft group, and the monster appeared from among them. in fact, the melon disappearance was the work of a different dimension who attempted to rob the earth's melons, and the monster was a biological weapon created as a first soldier by combining the grudge of melons discarded by food loss with a different dimension of living things. the self-defense forces are dispatched, but the sweet smell of the monsters makes them watered down, and they are as if they can't stand their teeth. in a big pinch, a comedian from a local melon farmer attracts monsters with cream soda, attracts attention with illuminations of showa sightseeing, and proposes a strategy to cover and capture melon nets in the gap. no, it's a crazy strategy! the strategy is executed though tsukkomi enters, and it succeeds in the capture of the monster after a great struggle. the monster named Melolinga was recollected by the entertainer, and it became a new war power of the Hokota city.
fight Melolinga! protect the future of the melons of ibaraki!!
