
Postgraduate school

I'm wondering if I can conduct research while working as company worker. My current job is to create protocol, to negotiate HA, and to move forward clinical trial for oncology study. My job itself is attractive, and I'm satisfied it. However, it is not enough.

I had worked in a global pharmaceutical company, and took a role as clinical trial lead. I saw lots of talented people during that period. Most of them were very hard worker, and had strong passion to solve difficult challenges through development of new medicine and/or therapies. Actually, some of those had been involved in postgraduate school program while working as company worker. I guess that even though they did not have enough time to conduct research, they completed the program. It is very awesome!  I have noticed that most Japanese workers don't have this mindset, or are not realized that people who invent or create new therapies have been doing their best.

Why we can not do like that they have had? The most important element regarding the difference between Japanese and non-Japanese I believe is the "culture". To be honest, I have looked down on the "culture". Or saying more precisely, I was not able to understand its importance. One of the good thing to get back to the domestic company is I can notice the difference. Anyway, I have noticed. However, change the culture is NOT easy work. Or almost impossible work by myself. So, what should I do next?

My answer is to come back to postgraduate school, and research with people who are involved in cutting edge in oncology. There are several good new over the couple of days.  I have consulted my thought (postgraduate school) with my boss, and he was welcomed. I sent an e-mail this morning to the office in national cancer center to ask whether there are any available program. Above are very tiny things, but I’d like to praise myself on that I moved into action.
