『The Birth Song』のこと - About "The Birth Song
*English Follows Japanese
ハウスDJ、Producer、レーベル「Haus It Feelin' Records」主催であるKentaro Takizawaさんと初コラボの『The Birth Song』が、8月29日BeatportとBandcampで解禁になりました。
Beatportは初日Organic House Top 100 Releasesチャートで61位だったらしく、ダウンロードして聴いてくださってる皆さんに感謝です。
私は音楽を始めたころ東京のインディーバンドシーンの中におり基本ライブハウスの民だったためクラブにほとんど行ったことがなかったのですが(たとえば円山町でも7th FLOORなどは演奏するし観に行くのにすぐ近くのASIAやWOMBは素通りするというような)、沖縄に戻って以降クラブDJさんとの繋がりが増え、時々イベントに行くようになりました。クラブで会う人たちがみんなとても気持ちの良い、愛ある音楽好きのひとばかりなので、こんなことなら東京でも、ライブ終わりに終電逃した時とかにもっと行っとけばよかったなあと思う。
今回のコラボはジャンル的にはHouse、Organic Houseになると思うのですが、今まで私の音楽を聴いてきた方にとってはかなり新鮮かなと思います。でももしこんなテイストも気に入っていただけたら嬉しい限り。
Kentaro Takizawaさんとは、数年前FM那覇でパーソナリティをやっていたときに、自分の番組の前の時間帯のミスチーさんの番組にたまたまゲスト出演されていて、車中で聴きながらスタジオに向かい、着いたらそこにいらしたのでご挨拶をしたのが出会いでした。
Covid-19第一波の3月〜4月頃、Stay Home期間中にTakizawaさんがFacebookで楽曲制作風景を配信していて、それでできた曲にリリックとメロディーをつけて歌ってくれないかと連絡があり、この美しいトラックが送られてきました。「今起きてる事に対してやれる事考えたらやっぱり音楽で、」と、このコロナ禍のなかでポジティヴなメッセージを音楽を通して届けたいというイメージを共有。ほかには神秘的なイメージとか、沖縄のニュアンスも入るといいかも、ということをいただいたぐらいで、本当に完全に自由に言葉・メロディーを乗せさせてもらいました。
あのCovid-19第一波の時期は、いつも会っていた大切な人たちや友達にふらっと会おうと思ってもおいそれと会えなくなり、今まで普通にできていたライブイベントがそれまでのようにはできなくなり、なんだか急に人恋しくなるような感覚がありました。面と向かって会えることって素敵なことだったんだなとも思った。個人的にライブ自粛直前に出た浦添Grooveでのガチャピンさんと木村華子ちゃんとのライブイベントなどは、二度と忘れられないくらい、ひとが奏でる音楽の愛しさ、お互いの優しさをひしひしと感じて感動してしまった。ああ、人って優しいんだな。私の周りはこんなに美しくてあったかい人ばかりだったのか、と、見えてなかったことが見えた気がしました。自分と関わる大切なひとたち、音楽、好きなことに向き合う時間・・・大切なことにどんどん気づかされる。世の中はあれから、今もずっと苦難の中にあるけれど、きっとみんなも自分の大切なことに気づかされたり、そしてトンネルを抜けたらすごくレベルアップした今よりずっといい世界になっていくのでは(そうあって欲しい)と思います。そんな想いが、そのままこの曲『The Birth Song』の歌詞に反映されています。
渡海や隔みてぃん 照る月や一つ
あまん眺みゆら 今宵ぬ空や
『The Birth Song』は、大切なものへの愛が詰まった曲になったと思います。聴いて優しい気持ちになっていただけたなら、希望の方を向く気持ちになってもらえたら嬉しいなと思いつつ。
素敵なトラックでコラボを誘ってくれたKentaro Takizawaさん、私の英語にアドバイスをくれた優しい友人たち:Vicky Youngさん、Sebastiaan Kapteinさん、James Pankiewiczさん、Takizawaさんの番組とその放送で曲をたくさんの人に届ける機会をくださったblock.fm、J-WAVEの関係者のみなさま、Sound & Recording Magazineのレビューくださった方、そしてダウンロードして聴いてくだるみなさんに感謝を込めて。
The Birth Song
How are things?
I caught a lovely sound in my room today
The world’s gradually turning over
like this?
restless waves
restless emotions
taking a deep breath
We’re looking up at the sky from our window
It seems you've already found
something new for tomorrow
because of this
I miss you
wish you were here
渡海(とぅけ)や 隔(ふぃじゃ)みてぃん
照(てぃ)る月(ちち)や 一つ(ふぃとぅち)
あまん眺みゆら 今宵(きゆ)ぬ空(すら)や
How wonderful if I can hold you tight in this world, again
How wonderful I can feel you in this world
渡海(とぅけ)や 隔(ふぃじゃ)みてぃん
照(てぃ)る月(ちち)や 一つ(ふぃとぅち)
あまん眺みゆら 今宵(きゆ)ぬ空(すら)や
"The Birth Song", my 1st collaboration with Kentaro Takizawa who is House DJ, Producer and Owner of the label "Haus It Feelin' Records" was disclosed at Beatport and Bandcamp on August 29th. In Beatport, it seemed to be ranked 61st on the Organic House Top 100 Releases Chart on the first day. Thanks to everyone who downloaded and listened to it. This Beatport and Bandcamp release date is Takizawa's 40th birthday. (Best wishes on your birthday!) It's as the song name says. However, the official release date is September 26th, and the tune will appear on iTunes and Spotify, etc. from that date.
When I started music, I was in the indie band scene in Tokyo and was familiar to Japanese Livehouse (kind of the place for concerts where bands often play) so I hadn't been to clubs (for example, I often been to 7th FLOOR as a performer or a listener, but I usually passed by ASIA or WOMB which are neighbours of the 7th FLOOR). However, after returning to Okinawa, I got more and more connected with club DJs, and I started to go to events sometimes. Every person I meet at the events are very nice and love music, so I feel I should have gone to clubs more, especially when I missed the last train at the end of my live performance while I was in Tokyo.
I guess this collaboration will be categorized in House, or Organic House in terms of genre, and it may be quite fresh for those who have been listening to my music so far. I'm happy if you like this taste also.
When I was doing radio host at FM Naha a few years ago, Kentaro Takizawa was happened to be a guest appearance on Mischi's program before mine and I was driving to the studio listening to they talk. When I arrived, he was there and I greeted him for the first time. Since Mischi called him "Kentakki" in her program, I usually call him that way also, but I feel the power of fried chicken is too strong so I decide I will call him Takizawa in this article.
Around March to April of the first wave of Covid-19, Takizawa was broadcasting track production process on Facebook during Stay Home period. I was offered by him, to write its lyrics, melody, and singing, then this beautiful truck has been sent to me. He said, "I think that the things I can do for this situation is after all music.." and we shared the image of that we want to deliver some positive messages through music in this coronal epidemic period. Other than that I was shared some visions about mysterious elements and Okinawan feelings. Except for those things, I wrote its lyrics and melody completely freely this time.
At the time of the first wave of Covid-19, even if I wanted to meet the precious people and friends of mine I had always met, I could not meet them. We started not to be able to do the live events like before, suddenly I turned to feel lonely. and I also felt it was wonderful to meet face-to-face. Personally, the live events with Gachapin and Hanako Kimura at Urasoe Groove, which I performed just before the self-restraint period, were unforgettable. I was impressed with how lovely the music people play is, and our (human's) kindness. The people around me are so beautiful and warm. I felt I had been blindfolded. The important people, music, the time to deal with what I love... Limitation caused by Covid-19 made me realize what's important to me. Suffer still covers the world, but I guess that everyone also realizes each person's important things, and if we leave this tunnel, the world will be raised, will become a much better one. Such feelings were directly reflected in the lyrics of this tune "The Birth Song".
The lyrics are in English and Okinawan Language. The Okinawan Language part is from the lyrics of "Hama-Chidori (Chi Ju ya)", the song of the Ryukyu traditional dance. Right after received Takizawa's offer, I've met Ryukyu Yokobue Player Mariko Sawai introduced by Koji Higa from Awamori-Soko, and heard about this song's lyrics from her, I thought I want to sing this in that tune. The lyrics are:
Tuke ya Fijamitin Tiru Chichi ya Fituchi
Aman Nagami yura Kiyu nu Sura ya
Even if we're separated by the sea, there is only one shining moon. I guess you're also looking up tonight's sky over there, it says. I feel it's wonderful to be able to meet people who you want to when you want to. "The Birth Song" became a song filled with love for precious things to me. If you listen to it and have gentle feelings, I'd also feel happy more.
Thanks to... Kentaro Takizawa, who invited me to collaborate on a wonderful track. The gentle friends of mine who gave me some advice for my English: Vicky Young, Sebastiaan Kaptein, James Pankiewicz. The persons concerned of FM stations which give us the chances to hand our tune for a lot of people. The person who wrote a nice review of our tune on Sound & Recording Magazine. Persons who download this tune and listening to.
Title: The Birth Song
Artist: Kentaro Takizawa & Hiroko Arakaki
Track List
01.The Birth Song (Original Mix)
02.The Birth Song (Inst Mix)
Label: Haus It Feelin' Records
Format: Digital Download
Catalogue Number: HIFR017
Release Date: 2020.09.26 <2020.08.29 Beatport, Bandcamp, exclusive>
Lyric by Hiroko Arakaki
Written by Kentaro Takizawa & Hiroko Arakaki
Production by Kentaro Takizawa
Mixed & Mastering by Kentaro Takizawa
![Hiroko Arakaki](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/20541902/profile_221ea912ce977a308d8f7d5d963ce4b7.png?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)