

II. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Crossing the road by the bombed-out public house on the corner and pondering the mystery which dominates $${\underline{\text{vistas}}}$$(11) framed by a ruined door, I felt for some reason glad the place had not yet been rebuilt. A direct hit had $${\underline{\text{excised}}}$$(12) even the ground floor, so that the basement was revealed as a sunken garden, or site of archaeological excavation long abandoned, where great sprays of willow herb flowered through cracked paving stones; only a few broken milk bottles and a laceless boot recalling contemporary life. In the midst of this site, five or six fractured steps had withstood the explosion and formed a projecting island of masonry on the summit of which rose the door. Walls on both sides were shrunk away, but along its $${\underline{\text{lintel}}}$$(13) could still be distinguished the word "Ladies". Beyond, on the far side of the twin pillars and crossbar, nothing whatever remained of that promised retreat, the $${\underline{\text{threshold}}}$$(14) falling steeply to an abyss of $${\underline{\text{rubble}}}$$(15); a triumphal arch erected laboriously by dwarfs, or the gateway to some unknown, forbidden domain, the $${\underline{\text{lair}}}$$(16) of magicians.

Then, all at once, as if such luxurious fantasy were not already enough, there came from this unexplored country the $${\underline{\text{dulcet}}}$$(17) voice of the blonde woman on crutches, that $${\underline{\text{itinerant}}}$$(18) prima donna of the highways whose voice I had not heard since the day, years before, when Moreland had talked of getting married; when we had bought the bottle labelled Tawny Wine which even Moreland had been later unwilling to drink. Now once more above the roar of traffic that same note swelled on the $${\underline{\text{grimy}}}$$(19) air, contriving a transformation scene to recast those $${\underline{\text{purlieus}}}$$(20) into the vision of an oriental dreamland, artificial, if you like, but still quite alluring under the shifting clouds of a cheerless sky.

If you looked up the basic forms of the underlined words (11) - (20) in a dictionary, you would find the following definitions ( 0 - 9 ). In each case, decide which definition matches the underlined word and mark that number on your answer sheet.

0.    a secret retreat or base; a place of concealment for wild animals
1.     to remove or cut away with precision
2.     relating to dirt or soot; unpleasant
3.     traveling from place to place
4.    a horizontal beam spanning and usually carrying the load above an opening
5.     an outlying or adjacent district
6.    a distant view through or along an avenue or opening
7.     pleasing or agreeable to the eye, ear, or feelings
8.     the piece of timber or stone which lies below the bottom of a door, and has to be crossed in entering a house
9.     waste or rough fragments of stone, brick, concrete, etc.


Crossing the road by the bombed-out public house on the corner and pondering the mystery which dominates vistas(11) framed by a ruined door, I felt for some reason glad the place had not yet been rebuilt.


A direct hit had excised(12) even the ground floor, so that the basement was revealed as a sunken garden, or site of archaeological excavation long abandoned, where great sprays of willow herb flowered through cracked paving stones; only a few broken milk bottles and a laceless boot recalling contemporary life.


In the midst of this site, five or six fractured steps had withstood the explosion and formed a projecting island of masonry on the summit of which rose the door.

Walls on both sides were shrunk away, but along its lintel(13) could still be distinguished the word "Ladies".
両側の壁は縮んでいたが、lintel(13)にはまだ "Ladies "の文字が残っていた。


Beyond, on the far side of the twin pillars and crossbar, nothing whatever remained of that promised retreat, the threshold falling steeply to an abyss of rubble,


a triumphal arch erected laboriously by dwarfs, or the gateway to some unknown, forbidden domain, the lair of magicians.

【解説】of magiciansを読めば、0「隠れ家」であることが推測できます。

Then, all at once, as if such luxurious fantasy were not already enough, there came from this unexplored country the dulcet voice of the blonde woman on crutches,


that itinerant(18) prima donna of the highways whose voice I had not heard since the day, years before, when Moreland had talked of getting married;


when we had bought the bottle labelled Tawny Wine which even Moreland had been later unwilling to drink.

Now once more above the roar of traffic that same note swelled on the grimy(19) air,


contriving a transformation scene to recast those purlieus into the vision of an oriental dreamland, artificial, if you like, but still quite alluring under the shifting clouds of a cheerless sky.

【解説】lieuはplaceと同じ意味です。in lieu of~はin place of~と同じ意味で「~の代わりに」です。lieuが場所だと知っていれば、導けるのと、oriental dreamlandが「東洋の夢の国」なので、5「近郊、周辺地域」を推測することができます。

11. 6  12. 1  13. 4  14. 8  15. 9  16. 0  17 . 7  18. 3  19. 2  20. 5

