
Spring 2018 Class Schedule -MAX18単位まで登録-

Now class schedule in my last semester is fixed after one week of deliberation!

1. 過去の学期のスケジュール

以前のはコチラをご覧ください↓ You can also see others from here.

(Fall 2016)

(Spring 2017)

(Fall 2017 1st Half)

(Fall 2017 2nd Half)

2. 今学期のスケジュールは?

そして、こちらが今学期の1週間の予定です! Below is my weekly schedule this semester!!

18:10-21:00 Effective Managament in the Public Sector

14:30-15:00 Writing Center (Teachers College)
17:10-18:50 Leadership in Schools & Communities (Teachers College)

09:30-10:15 Independent Study Check-in (Teachers College)
15:00-17:00 Resource Allocation in Education (Teachers College)
17:00-19:00 Education Policy Analysis/Implementation (Teachers College)

15:00-15:45 Writing Center (Columbia)

09:00-17:00 Leadership for Adult Development (Teachers College, monthly)

今学期はTeachers Collegeでの教育政策、リーダーシップに関する科目、そしてSIPAでのマネジメントに関する科目から構成されています。



This semester I focus on education policy, leadership (Teachers College), and management (SIPA). I cross-register for sooo many courses at TC that I need to get into a time-consuming confirmation and negotiation process with the school re: graduation requirement. But it's now fixed, and I'm taking 6 courses (18 credits in total), which is maximum without additional charge.

3. Independent Studyに挑戦!

このスケジュールにはあまり現れていませんが、一番時間を割いているのは校長のリーダーシップに関するIndependent Studyです。
今学期が忙しいことは分かっていたので、冬休み中に毎日朝1~7時はLit Review、13~15時(娘の昼寝中)はDraftingに費やし、学期が始まる前に45頁を書き終えました。

ただ、内容面・体裁面ともに(Writing Centerの予定が入っているのもそのため)色々と直さなければいけない点もあり、残りの5科目の課題もしなければいけないため、毎日文字どおり息をつく暇もありません…!

Although not apparent in this schedule, most of my time is spent on Independent Study re: school leadership. Anticipating the craziness of this semester, I spent 6 hours (bet 1-7am) on lit review and 2 hours (bet 1-3pm when my daughter is taking a nap) on drafting the paper over the winter break. This resulted in a 45-page paper. However, this is not complete and I need to work on revision/addition both in terms of content and grammer (that's why I have almost weekly appointment with the Writing Center), on top of assignments for five coursess. This means I literally have no time to take a rest...

I'll eleborate on each course in the coming posts. Please pay close attention!!

18時のSIPAのロビー。賑やかに皆談笑している中、ダッシュで家族との夕食に間に合うよう帰ります SIPA's lobby at 6pm. Although everybody enjoys talking, I dashed to my apartment to have dinner with my family.

