
SIPA & CU Commencement! -卒業式の日に思うこと-

This time, let me first share my experiene of commencement with you.



There are two commencements: that of my school SIPA and Columbia University overalll.

1. 公共政策大学院SIPAの卒業式

<May 13:SIPA Commencement>

スクールの卒業式ではDeanやGuest(UNのDeputy Secretary)のスピーチの後、生徒一人一人が名前を呼ばれ、Dean(写真中央)と握手しました。


At SIPA commencement, after speeches of the Dean and guest (Deputy Secretary of United Nations), each student was called to the stage and shook hands with the Dean. Actually, we were not sure at that point whether we could actually graduate, for the grades were yet to be released.


The pic below is my selfie; very splendid view as there are roughly 700 graduates!


After the ceremony was done, we moved to the Ancel Praza outside of the SIPA building.


私はFall 2017Spring2018でほとんどSIPAの科目を取っていなかったため、普段あまり会えていない友人とも感動の再会。



Then we had a reception where I talked and took pictures with my classmates. Since I only took one SIPA course in Fall 2017 and Spring2018, there were many friends that I haven't seen for a long time. Also I took a picture with Japanese fellow students. There are about 20 Japanese students this year, and each of them is really a high performer (except for English), whose quality I would say is better than any other country.

Although our next steps are completely different from each other, I believe this network of people from 80 countries around the world will certainly contribute to make the world better!


<May 16: Columbia University Commencement>

水曜日の大学全体の卒業式では全部のスクールがCollege Walkに集結して、風景は一面ブルーです。


下の写真で微妙に分かるのですが、それぞれのスクールごとに違うアイテムを持っていて、Columbia Collegeはライオン、Teachers Collegeはリンゴ、Business Schoolは偽札、Jornalism Schoolは新聞・・・といった感じになっています。

On May 16, all the schools gathered in the College Walk, which made everywhere blue. I also met friends that I haven't seen since the Orientation while lining up. Interestingly, each school has different items: lions for CC, apples for TC, fake bills for CBS and newspapers for J school.

右に少し出ている、PresidentのLee Bollingerからのスピーチ。途中に雨が降ってきたため皆傘をさしています。

Speech by the President Lee Bollinger. It started to rain during his remark, so everyone had their umbrellas on.

この後、それぞれのスクールのDeanがPresidentに学位授与をお願いするという儀式がなされます。スクリーンに映っているのがSIPAのDeanのMerit Janow


After then, Deans will take turns imploring the conferral of degree to the president. In the screen is our Dean Merit Janow. I personally think our item, the flags of our country that represents our core value of diversity is the coolest item among all the schools!


Once the 3-hour commencement was over, I went back to SIPA and took a final picture here.

3. 卒業の日に…





My current reflection - in one of the first blogs, I set two goals of studyng abroad: (1) take a step back and see education issues from a broader perspective, (2) transform myself into global talent. Although both of these aims seem to be achieved, I believe that what matters more is how I'll make the most of this experience in the future. The mere fact that you have a master's degree from an Ivy league school is little more than nothing, and it is up to me whether I'll forgot it in the midst of busy daily lives or make it even more life-changing.



With the belief that what I have learned is meaningless unless I disseminate it, I'll take every opportunity (including this blog) to share my learning with you. I'll continue to post here after renewal, so please look forward!!

