Education Pioneers 3 -from NY to Newark ニューアーク市でのインターンへ-
About another possible internship than Harlem Link!
前回紹介したHarlem Link以外に今応募しているインターンの紹介です!
過去の投稿(以下参照)で書いたように、昨年末からEducation Pioneersという教育に熱意のある人たちのためのインターン・採用仲介機関での選考に参加していました。
As I mentioned in previous posts, I applied to Education Pioneers, a kind of matching organization for those who are enthusiastic about education and looking for a job or an internship.
1. 順調にいかないマッチング
I was chosen as a finalist and started with the matching process in Feb, but it did not go as it was supposed to.
In mid-March, I was offered a placement which I did not like so much, therefore I turned it down saying that I would like to be given another placement tailored to my interest. However, they did not respond to me for a month.
2. ニューアークとの出会い
1995年以来、公立学校の管理権限が州に吸い上げられていたのですが、近々local controlに戻るという歴史的なタイミングになります。
In April, situation changed completely. I had an interview with Newark Mayor's Office in NJ. Newark is notorious for its lack of safety and education has been quite an issue as about 70 percent of children are from single parent family, and only 20 percent can read at a grade level.
Because of that the state took over the control of Newark public schools in 1995, and this year marks a historic change as it will regain local control.
3. 面接結果は・・・?
市長部局はあまり教育行政に権限がなく、local controlを取り戻した後も力を持つのはschool board。そのため、具体的な政策の裏側を見たい、学校ともコラボしたいという私の関心は市長部局にはtoo muchだったのかもしれません。
So I was eager to have an internship here, and after an interview the Mayor's Office introduced me to a non-profit organization in Newark.
I think they thought that what the Mayor's Office can do is limited because school board will have the legal authority over education and my interests in looking closer to implementation and collaboration with schools seemed too much for them.
So in the beginning of May, I had an interview with this NPO, and this was quite inspiring/encouraging!
They are trying to expand Community School to Newark public schools and I told them that I would be able to share best practices in Japan, other countries and cities.
Although now we're finalizing the agreement, but I'm sure that I will have another internship there starting from July!
I'll post about this once it starts, so please be looking forward!!
写真はNewark Broad Stationより。View from Newark Broad Station