Nao at Caltech – No excuse if you have a chance! 機会があるなら言い訳無用!
This time, as one of the study/work abroad episodes, I’m going to introduce Nao, who worked at Caltech in the U.S.
His experience as a post-doctoral fellow is quite different from others, and after coming back to Japan, how does he reflect on it? Please read through it!
(前回の投稿 Previous study-abroad episode)
1. 海外勤務の経緯 〜海外での研究環境を肌で感じてみたい!〜
(Hiro) では初めに、海外勤務された時期と場所を教えてください!
(Nao) ポスドク研究員としてCaltech(カリフォルニア工科大学)にほぼ2年間(2015年4月~2017年2月)勤めていました。
住んでいたのは、Los Angelesの郊外にあるPasadenaという所です。
(Hiro) Please share with us how long and where you worked abroad!
(Nao) I worked at Caltech as a post-doctoral fellow for almost two years from April 2015 to February 2017. I lived in Pasadena, a suburb of Los Angeles.
(Hiro) どのようなキッカケで海外に行くことになったのでしょうか?
(Nao) 大学生時代に海外の大学院への進学を検討したことがあったのですが、別の就職先(高校の非常勤講師)が決まったこともあって、その時は諦めました。
(Hiro) 応募はどのようにされたのでしょうか?
(Nao) 日本学術振興会の制度を使ったため、そこに個人単位で応募しました。
(Hiro) What made you decide on working abroad?
(Nao) I considered studying abroad for graduate school, but fortunately (unfortunately?) I got another job (part-time lecturer at a high school) so I gave up.
I once visited Caltech for two month supported by studying-abroad support program when I was a graduate student. I majored in seismology, and Japan is leading this field so there are not many colleagues who study or work abroad compared to people coming from overseas.
On the other hand, the scientific community centered in the U.S., so I wanted to have a real understanding of research environment in the U.S.
(Hiro) How did you apply?
(Nao) I applied to JSPS individually, which supported my working abroad.
I submitted a statement elaborating on what I have studied and what I will, coupled with which research institute I wanted to work at. All selections are done in Japanese, not English.
2. Caltechでの研究の日々 〜裁量労働時間制、学会への参加も〜
(Hiro) 大学の学生の内訳はどのような感じですか?
(Nao) Caltechは少数精鋭で(数百人)、私が所属しているGeology and Planetary Scienceにはアメリカ国籍の人は実は2割くらいしかいません。半分くらいは中国人、他はメキシコとかヨーロッパの方が多いイメージですね。
(Hiro) 授業や研究の内容について分かりやすく教えてください!
(Nao) 授業は受けなくても良いんですが、興味のある授業は自由に受けることが出来ます。
(Hiro) データの分析や収集のやり方で日本との違いはあるのでしょうか?
(Nao) 研究の方法についてはGlobal standardが確立されているので、大きな違いはありません。
(Hiro) How does the demography at the school look like?
(Nao) Caltech has a relatively small size of students, and Americans account for only 20% when it comes to my department, Geology and Planetary Science. Half of them are Chinese, and the rest are Mexicans and Europeans.
(Hiro) Can you elaborate on the courses and research you are engaged in?
(Nao) I did not have to take courses, but I did because I was interested in some courses. I was not supposed to submit assignments as I was an observer.
I attended courses two days per week, and the rest of the week was spent on my research. Small earthquakes occur because of the movement of glaciers, so I worked on understanding their mechanism. In summer glaciers melt and lots of interesting phenomena go on, so my colleagues deploy seismometers on glaciers. My research was analyzing the observational data.
(Hiro) Is there any difference in the way of collecting or analyzing data between Japan and the U.S.?
(Nao) Not really because there is a kind of gold standard all over the world. The way of research is diverse both in Japan and the U.S., so I did not notice specific difference between the two countries.
(Hiro) 一日のスケジュールはどんな感じなのでしょうか?
(Nao) 裁量労働時間制なのでいつ出勤しても良い形になっています。10時頃出勤して、ミーティングやセミナーに出たりしつつ、先ほどのデータ分析をして18時頃退勤するような形です。
夏はHoliday seasonなので、人が一気にいなくなったりしますね。後、日本だとランチは個人で片手間に食べていたんですが、アメリカは皆で1時間おしゃべりしながら食べたりします。
(Hiro) 仕事をチームで進めるような感じなのか、それとも個人作業が主なのでしょうか?
(Nao) 生物の実験とかとは違って、パソコンでしかも個人でもできる作業が大部分なんですね。
(Hiro) How does your daily schedule look like?
(Nao) My working time is quite flexible, so I started to work around 10am, mostly analyzed data, and sometimes had a meeting and attended a seminar, then leave the office around 6pm.
In summer, there are less people as they take a vacation. In addition, we had lunch together with colleagues for an hour, unlike in Japan where I had lunch by myself at the desk.
(Hiro) Is your research individual or a teamwork?
(Nao) Mainly individual, as most of my tasks were done by myself and using a computer. I had a advisor, so sometimes I consulted with him how to proceed my research.
Moreover, I attended American Geophysical Union Meeting, which is held annually, and interacted with researchers of my age. There are many Japanese researchers compared to other countries, as Japan is famous for seismology.
3. 渡米しての気付き 〜理科離れは日本だけの課題ではない〜
(Hiro) 渡米前と後でのギャップ(驚いたことなど)はありますか?
(Nao) 日本で研究していた時よりも、周りの人とコミュニケーションする機会は多いと感じました。
(Hiro) What surprised you after coming here?
(Nao) I had more conversations with my colleague than I do in Japan.
Moreover, I lived in a walking distance from the university, and this place was considered to be safe. However, I heard that it was dangerous to walk around after 10pm, which made me surprised.
(Hiro) 海外勤務中に苦労したことなどはありますか?
(Nao) 英語は高校時代から元々あまり好きじゃなかったので、それを多少後悔している面はあります。
(Hiro) 日本にいた時に、英語を使う機会があったのでしょうか?
(Nao) 地震分野ということもあって、学会とかワークショップで外国人との交流する経験は比較的ありましたね。先進国+地震が多いということもあって、日本に来る研究者がとても多いんです。
(Hiro) What kind of challenges were you faced with?
(Nao) Honestly I did not like English when I was a high school student, and I slightly regret not studying hard.
However, I did not get into a critical trouble owing to my English, although I did not practice anything special before or after coming here.
(Hiro) Did you use English periodically when you were in Japan?
(Nao) I sometimes interacted with foreign researchers at an academic meeting or workshop.
Many foreign researchers come to study in Japan because Japan is a developed country and has experienced a lot of earthquakes.
(Hiro) 他にアメリカで気付いたことはありますか?
(Nao) いま、理科離れが日本だけではなくアメリカでも課題になっているんです。
(Hiro) Any other thoughts or reflections?
(Nao) Young people are becoming less interested in science in the U.S. too.
The shortage in human resources is complemented by immigrants here, and without them higher education in the U.S. would not be sustainable.
On the other hand, Japan has few foreigners, so I’m concerned about the future of Japanese science community.
4. 読者へのメッセージ 〜準備が出来ていないのを言い訳にして行かないのはもったいない!〜
(Hiro) 今後の展望などあれば教えてください!
(Nao) 日本とアメリカでは研究環境はあまり変わらないと思うのですが、雰囲気はアメリカの方が好きだなと感じました。
(Hiro) 大学教員の採用情報はどうやってキャッチするのでしょう?
(Nao) 学会のウェブサイト等を通じて一般公募になります。
(Hiro) ただ、海外ではやはりコネクションが重要になるので、学会などでネットワークを広げておくことも重要なのでしょうね。
(Hiro) Do you have any future career plan?
(Nao) Although the research environment in Japan and the U.S. is similar, I like the atmosphere in the U.S. Therefore, I would like to work abroad again if I get another chance.
(Hiro) How do you get information about faculty recruitment abroad?
(Nao) Mainly from the website, and through a general selection process.
(Hiro) But personal connection seems to matter, so it’s important to broaden your network through academic meeting or something else.
(Hiro) それでは最後に、海外勤務を考えている方へのメッセージをお願いします!
(Nao) 私は渡米に当たっての準備期間はそこまで長くなかったんです。応募が1年前、結果が出たのが半年前くらい。なので、準備ができていないのを理由にして行かないのはもったいないと思っています。
(Hiro) Lastly, please share your message to those who consider working abroad!
(Nao) My preparation period for working abroad was not long. Submitted application one year before leaving Japan, and got an offer six month before.
Therefore, you should not make it an excuse that you need more preparation. If you have a chance, don’t miss it and just say yes! Otherwise you end up staying in Japan forever. My journey started just out of curiosity, but now I learned a lot of things that I could not in Japan.
Thank you Nao for having a skype chat! I know many people give up going abroad because of a daunting preparation, but your point of taking an action so that you don’t miss it makes a lot of sense.
In the next series I’ll introduce an energetic friend who studied abroad, so please be looking forward!