Columbia Nihongo Chat Club -日本語学科のイベント-
I participated in Columbia Nihongo Chat Club the other day!
(Past post on Japan Trip)
1. Chat Clubとは?
This event is organized monthly by Japanese Study Program at Columbia, and I joined in October for the 1st time.
EALACという東アジア言語文化研究科に属している方が多かったですが、他にはundergradの方そして隣のBarnard Collegeからいらっしゃっている方もいて多様です…!
There are roughly 20-30 participants, of which about one third are Japanese. Many belong to EALAC, but other are undergrads or coming from Barnard College.
2. 参加者はどんな関心を?
I asked a question re: why did you become interested Japan? And their answers vary from culture, anime to food. Some already have been to Japan (many used JET program), others haven't but are trying to improve Japanese for future occasion.
And I was impressed by their Japanese proficiency. I understand how difficult it is to study Japnese outside Japan, but because most of them are proficient I don't have to teach anything. Just let the conversation go and see what they want to learn. I confimed my belief that language is acquired through efforts rather than circumstances, which brings home to me there is still much room for improvement in my English!
3. イベントの様子は?
A very friendly atmosphere, as the picture below shows.
Facebookでこの記事のタイトル名で検索するとアカウントが見つかって、友達になれば来年のchat clubの情報が来たりしますので、ご興味のある方は是非^-^(学外の方でも大丈夫です)
If you would like to join (it's open to almost anybody), just search "Columbia Nihongo Chat Club" on Facebook. Once you become friends, you can get info on coming events!