
Eri's Episode –No single “study abroad” style 留学のカタチは、1つじゃない。-
Today Eri, who studied at University of Edinburgh's Business School for a year, explains how her vague dream of studying abroad came true. Please read through her impressive story!
1. 留学のキッカケ ~海外への憧れの潜在的な芽生え~
(Hiro) はじめに、留学された時期と場所について教えてください!
(Eri) 2012年9月~2013年の8月(卒業は2013年11月)の1年間、スコットランドにあるUniversity of EdinburgのBusiness School (MSc)に留学していました。
(Hiro) Firstly, please let us know how long and where you studied abroad!
(Eri) I studied at the University of Edinburgh’s Business School (MSc) in the U.K., from Sep 2012 to Aug 2013 (graduated in Nov 2013).

(Hiro) Eriさんにとって、何が留学を目指すキッカケになったのでしょうか?
(Eri) 実はこれといったキッカケがあった訳ではなく、色々な出来事の中で生まれてきたんです。一番最初に興味を持ったのは、大学時代ゴルフサークルに入っていた時で、8割くらいが帰国子女の環境でした。その人たちを見ていて、海外というものに対する憧れが潜在的に芽生えてきたような気がします。
(Hiro) What made you decide on studying abroad?
(Eri) Honestly it’s like a combination of many occasions rather than one specific event. I became interested in studying abroad when I was a freshman as most of my golf club member were those who already had an experience of living abroad. Interaction with them somewhat aroused my inner desire toward studying abroad. In addition, I felt like even I could study abroad while listening to my friends who also studied abroad. Furthermore, I took a course called preparation for studying abroad at my university's International Liberal Arts Center when I was a senior, which also contributed to changing my path. In that class, the faculty was non-Japanese and many classmates already got offer(s) from universities abroad, and we made a presentation in English, although I wasn't determined to study abroad at that time. All of these things combined inspired me.
2. 留学先の選定・出願 ~多様性のバランスや金銭面も考慮~
(Hiro) なるほど!なぜ、エディンバラで学ぼうと思ったのですか?
(Eri) 行こうという気持ちを固めてから、BEOという留学コンシェルジュの会社から色々と情報を得ました。
(Hiro) 出願は何校くらいされたんですか?
(Eri) 4校に出願して、受かった所の中でビジネススクールランキングで一番上位のところに行きたかったのでEdinburgに決めました。それと、リーズやバーミンガムだと中国人やインド人が多いと聞いていたので、それよりは多様性のバランスを重視したこともあります。私は元々ビジネスのバックグラウンドがなかったため、選択できるProgramが限られていたこともあり、Managementを専攻しました。留意点なのですが、留学エージェントは自分の所と提携している学校を薦めてくる傾向にあるので、自分で独自に情報を取ってくることがとても大事だと思います。
(Hiro) Makes sense. Then why did you choose Edinburgh?
(Eri) After making up my mind, I got information from BEO. One of the biggest reasons for choosing the U.K. is the cost, as most universities in the U.K. offer 1-year master's degree program unlike the U.S., where 2-year degrees are predominant. Moreover, there are more requirements in American universities such as GRE, and to me TOEFL was more challenging than IELTS. With these in mind, I thought applying to universities in the U.K. would require less preparation, to be honest.
(Hiro) How many universities did you apply for?
(Eri) Four in total, and Edinburgh was rated more highly than others in Business School Ranking. In addition, I liked its diversity since there are more Chinese and Indians at Leeds or Birmingham. I majored in Management because there are few programs that I could choose because of my lack of background in business. One thing that you have to keep in mind is that studying abroad agencies tend to recommend universities to you with which they have some type of affiliations, so please try to catch information by youself.
(Hiro) 出願するまで、英語はどのように勉強されましたか?
(Eri) 2012年3月に大学を卒業して、半年間IELSのスコアが足りなかったのでスコアを上げつつ、英会話学校でのmarketing research internをしていました。managerがイギリス人で、英語を使わないといけない環境に自分を追い込んだのが良かったです。
後は、IELTS Blogというのを読んでいたのですが、WritingがSpeakingにもつながってくると考えたので、まずはとにかくWritingを上げようと思いました。このIELTS Blogは8回で20ドルくらいでWritingの添削もしてくれて、かなり安いんです。他には、IELTS Simonというのも独学用にかなり有用です。
(Hiro) やはりこういったテスト対策を色々発信されている方の情報は助かりますよね。
(Eri) そうなんですよ!実は、これをIELTSが4.5だった友人に勧めたら数ヶ月で7.0を取れるようになったんです。なので、自信を持ってオススメできます(笑)。
(Hiro) How do you improve your English?
(Eri) I graduated from college in March 2012, and after that I studied to improve my IELTS score and work as a marketing research intern at an English language school simultaneously. The manager was from England, so it was a great opportunity for me to immerse myself in only-English environment. At first I studied for myself, and my score was 815 for TOEIC and 6.0 for IELTS. You need to have at least 7.0 score for applying to Edinburg, and I could not improve the score as I expected, so I started going to SIUK, which focuses on studying in the U.K. (which cost me roughly 150,000 yen for one month). Aside from that, I read the IELTS Blog and realized that I first need to improve writing as it also relates to speaking. They checked my writing samples (20 dollars for 8 times), which I thought was reasonable. This IELTS Simon is also useful.
(Hiro) Thanks for the info! These information is tremendously helpful as some people even don’t know how to catch info.
(Eri) Exactly! I recommended these blogs to one of my friend, and she improve her IELTS score from 4.5 to 7.0 in only a few months! So I’m kind of confident haha.
3. そしてエディンバラ大学へ ~心の余裕がないままに時間が過ぎる~
(Hiro) では次に、大学のプログラムの具体的な所についてお願いします!
(Eri) 生徒は全部で60人くらいで、多かったのは中国人(10人)ですね。
(Hiro) 授業はどういった内容のものを履修されたんですか?
(Eri) Creating New Venture, Business Economics, Marketing Management, Accounting & Financial Management Corporate Strategy, R&D Managementといった科目を1~2学期に取り、最後の3学期は修士論文を書きました。
(Hiro) Then, could you elaborate on your degree program?
(Eri) There are some 60 students in my program, 10 Chinese, 2-3 Americans, Taiwanese, and England, German, Italian, Greece, Norwegian, Canadian, German, French, Polish, Indian, Turkish, Hong Kong, Peruvian, Singaporean, Filipino, and Thai. Only one from the U.K. and Japan. There are also those from Indonesia and Africa in other classes.
(Hiro) What kind of courses did you take?
(Eri) I took Creating New Venture, Business Economics, Marketing Management, Accounting & Financial Management Corporate Strategy, and R&D Management in the first two semesters, and wrote a dissertation in the third (last) semester. The style of lecture is somewhat similar to that of Japan, mostly by faculty and exams account for most part of evaluation, so few papers. Depending on the class, we also had group projects or discussions.

(Hiro) 当時の1日のスケジュールを覚えている範囲で教えてください!
(Eri) 1日に3コマくらい講義があって、それが終わった15時くらいから自由時間になって自分で勉強します。
(Hiro) What did your daily schedule look like, as far as you remember?
(Eri) I basically have three classes every day, and studied by myself after 3pm. Because I didn't know how much I should study to get credits, I sometimes ended up studying all day long. What was worse, in the last semester when I wrote my dissertation, I was too busy to go outside even in weekends. Instead I travelled around the Europe with my classmates during the breaks.
(Hiro) では、留学前と後でのギャップや、苦労したことなどはありますか?
(Eri) どれくらい勉強すればいいのか分からなかったので、心の余裕があまりなかったです。
(Hiro) Was there something that surprised or challenged you?
(Eri) I always felt uneasy as I didn't know how much to study. I heard from one faculty that international students whose native languages are not English do not understand more than 70% of the lectures, which I think it correct. Most of my memory was studying so hard and one years passed so fast.
4. 学外での交流や今後の展望 ~英語を話せるだけでなく、自分なりの専門知識を~
(Hiro) 印象に残っているエピソードがあれば教えてください!
(Eri) 勉強の話ではないんですが、日本人が自分1人だったので、お寿司を作ってホームパーティーをしたことがあって、それがクラスメートに大好評でした。イギリスに行くまでに寿司なんて作ったこともなかったんですが、意外と出来たので自分でもびっくりです。
(Hiro) 海外の人って、日本人はみんな寿司作れると思ってますよね(笑)
(Hiro) Is there any impressive story or something?
(Eri) Not about studying, but I organized a home party and served sushi to my classmates as I was the only Japanese. They really liked it a lot! Although I have never made sushi before studying abroad, I could make it which kind of startled me.
(Hiro) I know everyone expects us as Japanese of being able to cook sushi.

(Eri) 後は、ハウスパーティーに勉強の合間で色々参加したのですが、学外の同世代の人々と交流できた経験がとても貴重でした。
あ、それと!実は眞子様がちょうど同じ時期にエディンバラ大学に留学(博物館学を専攻)されていて、Welcome Partyで同席して何回か話をさせていただいたことがあります。とても気さくで気取らない方なので非常に感銘を受けました。
(Hiro) なんと!それはonce-in-a-lifetimeな経験ですね。
(Eri) Moreover, I participated in some house parties and interacted with people of similar age outside of campus. I still keep in touch with some of the friend I met there. And actually Princess Mako studied at Edinburg in the same period (majoring in museology), so I was blessed with the opportunity to talk with her a few times. She was so frank and humble, I was very impressed!
(Hiro) What!? It should be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

(Hiro) もし今後の展望などあれば教えてください!
(Eri) 留学後就職し、一回転職して今は外資系企業で働いています。
(Hiro) そうなんですね!私は帰国したら英語を使う職場になる可能性が低いので、とても羨ましいです。
(Hiro) Do you have any future plan to live abroad?
(Eri) After coming back to Japan I started working and changed the job once. Now I'm working at a foreign affiliated company. 30% of the staff are from abroad, mostly the U.K., the U.S., and China, which enables me to keep speaking in English on a daily basis. I plan to work abroad, specifically in Europe, although I'm not sure when. I think I need to acquire some expertise that not everyone has in addition to be able to speak in English.
(Hiro) I'm so jealous of you as I will have few opportunities to speak in English after going back to Japan.
5. 留学を考えている方へ ~留学の形は人それぞれある~
(Hiro) では最後に、留学を考えている方へのメッセージをお願いします。
(Eri) まず留学の形は人それぞれあるということですね。
(Hiro) Last but not least, please share your message to those who have studying abroad in mind!
(Eri) The first thing I would say is that there is no single “studying abroad” style. Some have a clear vision from the beginning and others like me just start with a vague desire toward abroad. Secondly, you should not be forced into studying abroad. Although most of my friends have a positive attitude toward it, there are some who dislike the idea. So I would say if you are interested, highly recommended. I'm not sure, even now, whether my studying abroad experience was successful or not. But I can say with confidence that you can experience many things that you otherwise could not. Lastly, based on my lesson of studying abroad, I recommend planning what you would like to achieve in the future ahead, and then applying to the school which give you skills or knowledge necessary for it. What kind of degree do you want to earn? How will you utilize it for your future job? These questions will guide your thought process I believe.

Thanks Eri for having a video chat with me during your three days off! I totally agree with your point that people have different styles of studying abroad. I'm not sure when I can post next episode as my semester is coming closer, but I'll try, so please keep in touch!