



“Service design is the application of established design process and skills to the development of services. It is a creative and practical way to improve existing services and innovate new ones.”(live|work, 2010)



“サービスデザインの定義は、Gummesson(1991)によると、「サービスのコンセプトを図面やフローチャートに具現化させる」ことである” (八重樫, 2016)

※Evert Gummesson 氏は、ヨーロッパを代表するマーケティング研究者(Stockholm Business School)

”サービスデザインとは、ひと言でいってしまえば、既存の事業体視点ではなく顧客観点で事業を全体的に見直す=再構築(リフレーミング)するための方法論です。この観点は多くの人が指摘しているように、とくに目新しいものではなくしごくまっとうな、あたりまえのマーケティングであるといえます”(長谷川, 2014)

”経済の中心がプロダクトからサービスへとシフトし、製造業や販売業などの業態も自らの事業をサービスと捉え直す動きが定着しつつある。このサービスを、 デザインの視点から捉え直そうというのがサービスデザインである”(山内, 2017)

”サービスデザインは、ビジネスや社会を取り巻く環境の変化に対して、使用価値の共創やリソースの統合といった視点から事業の改善や改革、創出の機会を見つけだし、実現させるデザインの方法である”(武山, 2017)

"Service design is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service in order to improve its quality and the interaction between the service provider and its customers."(Wikipedia, 2017)

”サービスデザインとは、サービス自体の品質とサービス提供者とその顧客の間のやり取りを改善させするために、 人々を組織し、インフラ、コミュニケーション、サービスを構成する要素をよく考える行為です”(平野意訳)

“Service design helps to innovate (create new) or improve (existing) services to make them more useful, usable, desirable for clients and efficient as well as effective for organizations. It is a new holistic, multidisciplinary, integrative field.”(Moritz, 2005)


※Stefan Moritz 氏は、デザインコンサル会社Verydayのディレクター

“Service design is all about making the service you deliver useful, usable, efficient, effective and desirable.”(UK Design Council, 2010)


“[Service design is] design for experiences that happen over time and across different touchpoints.”(servicedesign.org, 2011)


“When you have 2 coffee shops right next to each other, selling the exact same coffee at the exact same price, service design is what makes you walk into the one and not the other, come back often and tell your friends about it.”(31 Volts, 2016)


“Service design helps organizations see their services from a customer perspective. It is an approach to designing services that balances the needs of the customer with the needs of the business, aiming to create seamless and quality service experiences. Service design is rooted in design thinking, and brings a creative, human-centered process to service improvement and designing new services. Through collaborative methods that engage both customers and service delivery teams, service design helps organizations gain true, end-to-end understanding of their services, enabling holistic and meaningful improvements.”(Miller, 2015)




※Megan Erin Miller 氏は、Stanford University ITのService Design Manager


Gummesson, E (1991). "Qualitative Methods in Management Research". SAGE Publications, Newbury.

八重樫文 (2016). "イタリアにおけるデザインマネジメント研究の特徴と動向に関する考察" In 立命館経営学. 28(4). pp.621-62.

長谷川敦士 (2014). "監訳者序文" In サービスデザイン. 丸善出版, 東京, pp.ix-xi

山内裕 (2017). "ユーザー〈脱〉中心サービスデザイン" In サービソロジー. 3(4). pp.10-15.

武山政直 (2017). "サービスデザインの教科書:共創するビジネスのつくりかた". エヌティティ出版, 東京

Wikipedia (2018). "Service design". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_design. Retrieved 1 March 2018

Moritz, S (2005). "Service Design: Practical Access to an Evolving Field". Köln.

live|work (2010). "Service Design". at http://www.livework.co.uk. Retrieved 10 August 2010

UK Design Council (2010). "What Is Service Design?". at http://www.designcouncil.org.uk/about-design/types-of-design/service-design/what-is-service-design/. Retrieved 10 August 2010

Clatworthy, S (2011). "Service Innovation through Touch-points: Development of an Innovation Toolkit for the First Stages of New Service Development". In International Journal of Design, 5(2), 15–28. ※オリジナルはアクセス不可

31Volts (2016) "Service Design". at http://www.31volts.com/en/service-design/. Retrieved 3 August 2017

Miller, E (2015). "How Many Service Designers Does It Take to Define Service Design?" at https://blog.practicalservicedesign.com. Retrieved 14 December 2015

Stickdorn, M. Hormess, M‎. Lawrence, A.‎ Schneider, A (2018). "This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World". O'Reilly Media, Canada.


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