#005 望月希/Nozomi Mochizuki
【#005 望月希/Nozomi Mochizuki】
父親は月望忍頭、望月輝望。祖父は月望頭領、望月秀月。 二人は程々に厳格、程々に柔和な性格
Born in Koka. He is the heir to the main family of "Tsuki Nozomi," a descendant of the Koka Ninja. He is a third-year student at Shikou High School.
Her father is Mochizuki Kibo, the head of the Mochiduki Ninja. Her grandfather is Tsukimochi chieftain Mochizuki Shuzuki. They were both moderately strict and moderately mild-mannered, and thanks in part to their education, she grew up to be a serious and honest girl.
Their personalities are cheerful and vivacious. She is the leader of the young female team at Tsukimochi. She is pushed around by the fast-paced Rakuraku Takeguro, the stoic and stubborn Tsukiho Togakushi, and the sassy Ruri Tonomura, but she manages to keep them all together with her own determination.
高校では隠密部の副部長を務めており、面倒見の良い先輩として慕われている。 今時の女子としての楽しみもしたいと考えているが、中々うまく行かないのが最近の悩み。成績もそこそこ優秀、運動能力は男子顔負けの為、釣り合う男性が現れない。
She is the vice president of the covert club at her high school and is well-liked as a caring senior. She also wants to have fun as a modern girl, but she is having a hard time getting along. She has excellent grades, and her athletic ability is as good as any boy's, so she can't seem to find a man who can match her.
ボーイッシュに見えるが、年相応に可愛いものやお洒落なものが好き。家は福部家と並んでも見劣りのしない豪農の屋敷といった佇まいなのだが、お風呂が五右衛門風呂であったり、台所がおくどさんであることが、 お洒落でないし不便だと思っている。 自室も古ぼけた和室なので、カーペットを敷いてベッドを置いてみたり、洋風の壁紙を貼ってみたり、 何とか可愛くしようと努力を続けている。
She looks boyish, but likes cute and fashionable things appropriate to her age. Although his house has the appearance of a wealthy farmer's mansion that would not look out of place alongside the Fukube family's, he considers it unfashionable and inconvenient that the bath is a goemon bath and the kitchen is an okudo-san (a small kitchenette). The room is also an old Japanese-style room, so she has been trying to make it prettier by putting down a carpet, putting up a bed, and putting up Western-style wallpaper.
中学二年になる双子の妹弟がいる。それぞれ妹が望月月夜、弟が望月月光という名前。 関係は良好で、二人から良き姉として慕われている。
She has a twin sister and a younger brother who are in the second year of junior high school. The younger sister is named Tsukuyo Mochizuki and the younger brother is named Gekko Mochizuki. They have a good relationship with each other, and both look up to her as a good older sister.
【キャラクター情報/Character Profile】
Bra size/カップ数:C
紫香高校三年生 隠密部
両親の職業:父親/忍団体代表 農業 母親/専業主婦
得意武器:くない 小太刀 忍者刀
性格:真面目 明快 面倒見が良い
嗜好:可愛いもの 現代的なもの
Affiliation: Tsukinozomi
Third-year student at Shiko High School, Tclandestine club
Occupation of Parents:
Father / Shinobu group representative, Agriculture
Mother /Professional woman
Special Qualities: The Art of Ninja Dogs
Weapons of choice: Kunai, a small sword Ninja sword
Residence: Old mansion
Personality: Earnest, cheerful, good at taking care of others
Hobbies: Room redecoration
Taste: Cute, modern
Family Structure
Grandfather: Shugetsu (Tsukinozomi's chieftain)
Grandmother: Mitsuyo
Father: Kibo (Tsukinozomi's head ninja)
Mother: Michie
YoungerSister: Tsukuyo (2nd year student at Kenzan Junior High School)
Younger Brother: Gekko (2nd year student at Kenzan Junior High School)