Last Wishes for the Year 2023
The year 2023 is about to end in a few hours.
Although the end of the year does not feel so much like winter this year due to the mild winter, it is New Year's Eve according to the calendar, so I am a bit depressed to think that tomorrow morning the "Ake-ome Line" will ring out Tilon♪ Tilon♪ Tilon♪ Tilon♪.
So, what kind of year was 2023 for you?
I lived and breathed work, and finished the year with work.
I think of work as
①Work that earns the money necessary to live
②Work that values what I love.
There are two types of work.
The first type is a little (a lot?) stressful, but it is a job that provides me with food, clothing, and shelter. Work to earn the minimum necessary money for food, clothing, and shelter, although there is a little (a lot?) of stress.
The opposite is ②,which is not a compensation-based job, but more like an investment in your future self.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but this year I think I was able to find a good balance between the two.
Next year, I would like to challenge a new genre of work, and I already have a lot of things I want to do and need to do.
And first and foremost...
I would like to thank everyone who has always supported me with kindness and warmth, and I strongly hope that I will be able to return the favor to the best of my ability in the new year.
Once again, thank you very much for your support in 2023!
I look forward to your continued support in 2024.
I wish you all a very Happy New Year!
December 31, 2023
Hikari Yamagami