Believe or not! It is said that “Alternated Nostril Breathing Method” from Yoga would improve your will-power
There are a book named [ The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It ], author is Kelly McGonigal, introduces one technique to improve your will-power is raising a heart rate variability.
When you measure heart rate, if it is normal, it beats long or short randomly. On the other hand, when it’s in a stress, it beats steadily.
The expert says that it is important if you raise your heart rate variability, take a breath as slow as you can. You wish getting more result on you? Then, do it with altered nostril breathing. That’s a call.
So what is the altered nostril breathing?
* it is obvious from its name that you close one of your nose with your finger and breath.
Here is how to do it...
1. Using your thumbs to close your right nostril
2. Inhaling from your left nostril slowly
3. Stopping to take a breath for one minute
4. Using your right fourth finger to close your left nostril
5. Taking slow exhale from your right nostril
6. Taking slow inhale from your right nostril
7. Stopping to take a breath for one minute
8. Closing your right nostril using your right thumb
9. Taking slow inhale form you left nostril
These are one set. Taking a breath each for 4 seconds would be fine if it is your first try for it and once you are comfortable, do longer one, then move on.
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