
“How to be smart or clever?” Five important principles by Harvard method

It is already in a past that the saying “ an intellect won’t grow because it’s already decided when you were born.” And now it’s changed.
* You can improve your intellect if you train by “dual n-back” task or other tasks help gaining Fluid Intelligence.
* It’s matter of how many time you spend to do it.
* Gaining in Fluid Intelligence is not depended on initial working memory.

Working memory and an intellect are different concept but they are much related in very much.

However, the intellect is needed its foundation in fact, meaning, you must be aware of it on a daily basis and you should consciously take a action in your life, that doesn’t make any improvements of intellect. Also the more you train for your intelligence, the more you gain your intellect.

2010, H+ Summit from Harvard, that showed these five principles:

1. Looking for new things ever
It is because you can make dopamine by “looking for new thing” and can also make adrenaline by “wanting the thrill”, meaning, the more always be very curious to anything making your brain works well and it makes synapse because of new informations you find.

2. Choose hard experiences
It is because even you usually choose more fun or interesting activities your brain does not develop well so sometimes you need to choose hard one but of course taking it too much causing you got fatigue, frustration, and any negative effects toward to you.

3. Life is full of enjoyments
Let’s make an effort to make new angle of idea ever!
If you face in any trouble, this is the solution for it!

4. Make less convenient things from your life
Meaning of this is like I usually type language by PC making me not to able to write at all...( perhaps only for Japanese...)
I believe most of us using an escalators than walking up or down stairs because of the same reason so choose the stairs instead of the escalators or an elevators.
Something like that.



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