
Do Not Have To Change Negative-Thinking Do Just Change How To React For Negative-Thinking!

The Case For Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Does Not Work
There is a data showed that “Significant result hit to Metacognitive therapy!”

What is Metacognitive therapy by the way?
It is a learning technique for how to deal with negative-thinking, not to focus on negative-thinking itself. For example, when you happen to feel emotion from “I am dumped again! I am such an idiots!!”, what does cognitive behavioral therapy do is↓

1. I am such an idiots!
2. Search any success examples from your past experiences and rethink you are seriously such idiotic person at all the time?
3. Shift your mind to realistic thoughts like “I am not the idiot at all the time of course I do mistake sometimes.”
4. Your mental will be improved

That is the process but there are the some hardly getting the result from it.

Negative-thinking gets continued by recruitment of superordinate thoughts

What does it mean is↓

1. I am such an idiots!
2. The superordinate cognitions be triggered like from “”When I think “I am such an idiots!” I should ruminate it!””
3. The more you continue to think of yourself as idiot, the more increased negative thoughts will
4. The result is “mental gets worse

The superordinate thoughts “ more ruminating for it!” continues to ruminate a idea in your mind “I am such an idiots!” So you can’t easily get rid of wrong bias.

What you need to do is <Do not change negative-thinking do just change attitude for negative-thinking!

If we can’t correct each of our thoughts, then came up with metacognitive therapy coming into being out of idea like “let’s change its operations!”
Borrowing researchers expression↓
“We can’t control what we think about, but we can control how to react to what we thought about.”

Hope you get a picture from that. As human being it’s obvious coming up with negative thoughts or feelings(if not you could be an alien...) it’s better you change how to deal with it from confronting it.

The representative technique of metacognitive therapy

The researcher used these technique↓
* Attention training technique : The training method for focusing onto daily noise such as vehicle’s engine noise or air conditioner. When you feel depressed among that cases, normally you are focusing on one thing, so what this technique does wants to you is makes breaking down.
* Detached mindfulness : The general purpose of mindfulness is tasting negative feelings or negative experiences in nature status. On the contrary, detached mindfulness means that observing the fact of “Negative-thinking is just a differential aspects with reality in my mind.” in good spirits like, a scientist inside you.
* Postponement of rumination : It is a technique that you already made the time of rumination in your mind. What it targets to is immerse you that you can control your rumination time on your own.

Overall, as I assume by myself for above methods means that learning a point of distinction whether you can control or not. It’s likely <Serenity Prayer>.

Metacognitive therapy remitted 80% of depression!

This study targeted to 39 men and women by severe depression. 10 of them took metacognitive therapy for 10 weeks.

* At about 80% of symptoms were remitted!
* No recurrences after 6 months’ follow-up!

How you see this results? As my personal vision, I can tell you that it’s quit great results they showed.



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