
Why Does Positive-Thinking not Effectively Work? [Method of Changing Your Mindset for Positive-Thinking] part 2

From previous my blog, there is no efficacy of positive-thinking for 1) on the diet; 2) popularity; 3) achieving academically; 4) rehabilitation. Like positive-thinking does not come along with many aspects of our daily life, as you know.

Positive-thinking saps energy?!

This is again from famous professor Gabriele Oettingen researched 2011 about “Why positive-thinking does go adverse way?”

This research has divided a students into two groups and one group to imagine “perfect weekends” and the other to imagine “normal weekends” after 1 week, the researcher followed them up, the result showed the more the students who imagined “perfect weekends” the less unaccomplished their desire future.

According to the research, it’s because positive-thinking has effectiveness to calm down mentally temporarily. In fact, the students who imagined “perfect weekends” decreased their systolic blood pressure to half of it that is why their main source of energy would go down.

According to professor Oettingen...
“Positive-thinking makes you already achieve your desired goal like you are in a dream. That reduces your motivation to achieve what you’d want to.”

As it is said about “the brain does not recognize reality and fantasy.” so when you imagine something positively, your brain thinks it’s been already done for what you like. Some thing like that.

You do not hope many thing to positive-thinking?!

However, they don’t say that “Positive-thinking is nothing at all.” Positive-thinking gives you an ease temporarily so it can be useful tools to exaggerate for excessively harsh environments.

According to professor...
“Positive-thinking does have its potential to remove an imminent anxiety and a concerns.
If you are at a hard edge and have positive dream, you may be able to endure how hard or uncontrollable environments you are facing to and it would naturally give you an strength of fortitude until it is solved.”

You can try to use it when you think impossible to do something.

Also the professor says...
“It depends on a situations that Positive-thinking is useful resources such as, want to reduce a weight, stop smoking, can’t use it for getting a new job but withstanding dictatorial politics, surviving to hardened environment like in a desert, and keeping up holding a hope arresting by an false accusation that you must use positive-thinking wisely. It is important that you need to understand limit of what does positive-thinking do and do not hope too much for it.”



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