The Mechanism of Adverse Effect to Happiness run away because tracking Feeling of
A movie, named “Inside Out” is incredibly interesting movie because it describes positive emotion’s efficacy as well as positive emotion’s negative position.
Main character, named “Joy” cherishes anybody who is depressed but it doesn’t work or it gives them more depressed, or other character, “Sadness” which does nothing, is isolated with no use of arguing, there are plenty of annoying positive-thinking was described there.
There are so many reports showing positive-thinking is useless as I wrote before.
I don’t know in America, there is still movement of believing positive-thinking going on or not(if you know, let me know).
The more enthusiastic about “I will enjoy the moment!” like that, the less your happiness goes down
However, for the last several decades of psychology have had their arguments saying “It’s adverse effect going after happiness!” Isn’t it interesting?
Represent at <Predictably Irrational The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions> and <The upside of irrationality The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home>, named Professor Dan Ariely’s 2003 study. A participants were asked to listen Stravinsky’s “Rites of Spring” and they were devised to 4 groups like↓
1. While listening the music they forced to themselves to be happy
2. Listening the music as usual
3. While listening the music they observed their mood and scored
4. They forced to themselves to be happy with listening the music and scored their mood
And the result was↓
* The participants who listened to the music as usual were 450% higher feels of happiness than participants who forced themselves to be happy with listening the music
* The participants scoring their mood while listening the music 750% lower than the participants who normally listen to the music
From that results, as you can see you don’t have to force yourself to be happy while doing something.
Do not put a value onto happiness that will make you less happy
There is one more interesting research wanting to share you is come from Hebrew Universitys’ research in 2012, a participants were asked “How much happiness is important to your life?” and the researcher compared with their experienced stress and happiness level from past 18 years.
What comes up is the more people who answered “The happiness is really important!” the less lower happiness was and the more higher they feel stress.
According to researcher↓
“Generally, people put happiness on highly likely important factor in their life. In fact, a data of <Well-being study> and a books are written about how to be happy continuously and increasingly published, a disputants who claimed recent western people could be fascinated by that. For that reason alone, when people put their value on happiness, adversely is affected by negative aspects and is gotten negative conclusions. This facts are serious effects given to psychology.
From this results, it is adverse effects that you try to focus on maximizing your happiness like self-developments book recommended. The more you value on happiness, the more weaker you are.
In contrast, it would be wise for us to follow John Stuart Mill’s advice that is you don’t have to be particular about your happiness.”
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