
There is no efficacy of weight loss from [ Gluten-free Diet ]

What is the [ Gluten-free Diet ] by the way?

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As you can see from its sentence that it is about reducing gluten from your diet as much as you can.
There was a TV commercial or many celebrities showed that they succeeded great weight loss by that and became popular in a public.

Anyways, gluten is a dietary plant protein that is found from a wheat, rye, and barley, also it is in wheat flour that is used in traditional Japanese foods such as, “ Udon, Soba, or Karaage(fried chicken).

So here is the thing that is the [ Gluten-free Diet ] seriously effective?


From 2012 research showed that 1% of our population has gluten allergy, who absolutely ignores or avoid to intake of it.

And they showed the results for efficacy of weight loss by gluten-free diet that...
* It works if you are type1- diabetes or gluten allergy.
* However, there is no data for weight loss.
* Moreover, any foods saying “gluten-free” have many saturated fat so adversely gaining more weight.

So here is this time summary...
Eventually, unless you are allergy for gluten, take good care of it....
And if you do low-carbohydrates diet, then, it consequently reduces intake of gluten, all the more, you do not need to be worried about it. Bye for now.

