Hey U Job

We introduce foreigners in Japan to a varie…

Hey U Job

We introduce foreigners in Japan to a variety of jobs throughout Japan. We also provide support for VISA extensions and changes.


  • Manners and tips | 面試禮儀和技巧

    Japanese Style │ Grooming enables you to change jobs and find employment 日式 │ 允許你換工作或找到工作的服裝及言行

  • Interview Manners|面试礼节

    Japanese Style Interview Manners | 日本式的面试礼节


  • 固定された記事

Hey U Job

What is the Hey U Job?? We introduce foreigners in Japan to a variety of jobs throughout Japan, depending on the type of VISA, educational background and work experience. We also provide support for VISA extensions and changes. 私たちは、日本にい

    • 日式 │ 允許你換工作或找到工作的服裝及言行

      求職/換工作 面試時的服裝和打扮 求職和求職面試時的服裝和外表如下。 每個的重點是“是否有清潔感”。 求職/換工作 面試時應該拿什麼樣的包包? 避免使用紅色和黃色等顏色艷麗的包包,最好是黑色或棕色等深色, 可以容納A4以上文件的商務包。 把履歷表、職務經歷書和書寫用具(筆記本、圓珠筆等)放在你的商務包裡。 建議把履歷表和職務經歷書放入 A4 透明文件夹而不折疊它。 郵差包、休閒背包、小袋子等都是 NG。另外,沒帶包空手去面試也是NG。 求職/換工作 面試時化妝該怎麼

      • Japanese Style │ Grooming enables you to change jobs and find employment

        Job hunting and looking for a new job:  Interview attire and grooming The following is a list of the dress and appearance requirements for job interviews in the job hunting/looking for a new job. The key to each of these is "cleanliness".

        • 日式 │ 日本的面試禮儀和技巧 面試官的視點是什麼?

          1.日本的面試 服裝呢?除非另有指定,否則請穿西裝 除非另有指定,否則請穿西裝。 日本的面試禮儀 在日本的面試中,穿西裝是禮儀。 西裝有清爽淡雅,給人以誠實的印象,且不會讓任何人感到不舒服。 獨特和不尋常的衣服和髮型、濃烈的香水和濃濃的妝容會給人不同的印象,因此在面試或日本職場中不會給人留下好印象。 包包是A4尺寸,鞋子是皮鞋,包包和鞋子的顏色應該是深黑色或棕色。 世界面試禮儀 在一些國家,衣服和髮型是個人的,且是一種自我宣傳的方法。 在另些國家的想法是工作和服裝毫無關

        • 固定された記事


        • Manners and tips | 面試禮儀和技巧
        • Interview Manners|面试礼节


          Japanese Style │ Japanese interview manners and tips what is the interviewer's point of view?

          1. Interview in Japan: What should I wear? Wear a suit unless otherwise specified.Wear a suit unless otherwise specified. Interview Manners in Japan In Japan, it is good manners to wear a suit to a job interview. This is because a suit gi

          Japanese Style │ Japanese interview manners and tips what is the interviewer's point of view?

          Information about business trip jobs.

          From 16,000 yen per day on remote islands! Free private room dormitory! Three meals included! Job Description  Mainly civil engineering work. Most of the work is done with heavy machinery, so there is almost no heavy or dangerous work. W

          Information about business trip jobs.