Existential Number Theory Einstein's mistakes
Existential Number Theory
Einstein's mistakes
Nagano Haruo
From Existential Number Theory
Einstein's mistakes
It is a mistake to think of space-time to be four-
dimensional, with space being three-dimensional and
time being one-dimensional.
It is a mistake to think of space and time as
independent variables.
The speed of light is not the only thing that is
constant; there are other things whose speeds are
also constant.
It is a mistake to say that nothing can travel faster
than the speed of light.
It is a mistake to equate energy with mass just
because the equation holds.
It is incorrect to say that mass creates gravity.
It is incorrect to say that gravity changes space-
The beginning of the universe and the end of the
What do you think about them?
Before the universe began and after the universe
How do you feel and think about them?
The universe exists within a finite flow of time,
and no universe exists before or after that time.
Do you think so?
Do you think there are an infinite number of other
Do you think that the universe has no beginning or
end and continues to exist in an infinite flow of
How do you think about this endless flow of time?
Whether the universe is infinite or finite, it is
mysterious and difficult to understand.
Why does this happen?
This is because we think about the universe using
Natural Number Thinking.
Natural Number Thinking, which humans have achieved
as humans, is a type of thinking that humans are good
Humans have used this to understand nature.
People place too much emphasis on cause-and-effect
relationships, which inevitably leads to
We feel that the universe exists, but
what exactly is this existence?
By considering this mathematically, we break away
from Natural Number Thinking and adopt Existential
Number Thinking.
By doing so, an Existential number theory is born.
It is the only theory to understand the universe.
There is a universe out there that no one knows
Without understanding this theory, we cannot know
the true nature of the universe.
Can you understand this theory?
I believe you can do it
Existential number theory can show
the mistakes in quantum theory and
Einstein's theory of relativity
but here I will point out
Einstein's mistakes.
Why is the universe expanding at an accelerating rate?
Existential number theory explains this clearly.
Einstein's Mistakes
Space-time is represented as four-dimensional
It is three-dimensional space and one-dimensional
They are expressed as mutually independent variables.
( x,y,z,t )
Why is time one-dimensional
and space three-dimensional?
But no one doubts that from sensory experience.
Einstein created the theory of relativity
by stating that the speed of light measured by the
proper time at its coordinates is constant.
No one questions why the speed of light
must be constant.
No one can explain it.
This is because by assuming that the speed of light
remains unchanged at any coordinate, it is consistent
with the results of observation.
Space can be seen as distance,
time can be seen as the length of the flow of time,
and each can be replaced with a number as a quantity.
These are mutually independent variables whose
magnitudes are expressed as quantities and as
points on coordinates in space and time.
Time and space are represented by independent
variables and are therefore considered independent of
each other.
At a certain time, space is expansive,
and at a certain place, time continues to tick.
People think that space has an expanse regardless of
the passing time,
and that time is ticking regardless of the expanse of
And there is also continuity.
the universe is thought to change in various ways.
People believe that under certain conditions,
pace distorts and the progress of time changes.
But this kind of thinking is a big mistake.
To understand the true nature of the universe,
we need to think mathematically about existence.
This makes it necessary to consider the universe.
First, the idea that there is a distance AB between
points A and B is only possible if we assume that
space-time is stationary.
In order for humans to sense the existence of the
universe itself, there must be a stationary reference
This allows one to distinguish between self and other
and become aware of one's own existence.
This is in a world of ultimate numbers.
In the world of existential numbers, there are no
points such as position A or position B.
In other words, there are no points in space-time.
It may be hard to understand, but this is space-time.
Unless we understand this, we cannot understand the
human universe.
Existential number theory appeals that
the shape of space-time itself is unchanging.
So, why does light slow down in matter (water)
and change direction due to gravity?
The answer depends on
the relative bias in space and time.
Changes in bias are due to the self-relativity and
inter-relativity of spacetime.
Imagination and consideration intersect.
Eventually in it.
Trying to find answers about the existence of the
This is due to natural number thinking, which humans
are good at.
It is a mistake to seek answers within it.
The answer to the existence of the universe can never
be found there.
It must be Existential number thinking,
not natural number thinking.
Only existential number theory
can properly explain it.
I believe you can understand it.
The coordinates of a point P far from the observer
(origin) are expressed as three dimensions.
( x,y,z )
If you connect the origin to P with a straight line
it will be expressed as one dimension.
When moving from the origin to P
using the shortest distance,
the spatial coordinates are one-dimensional
and the time coordinates are also one-dimensional.
What does this mean?
Existential number theory leads
to a completely different conclusion.
Time and space are relative to each other.
Time passes as you move through space.
Passing time is moving through space.
From existential number theory.
Time and space are not independent variables as shown
by Einstein et al.
Time and space are dependent variables and have a
relative relationship.
In Einstein's theory of relativity.
Assume that at a certain coordinate,
there is uniform linear motion
from the origin O of that coordinate
to an arbitrary point P (X, Y, Z).
Letting its proper time be T0,
X/T0 ≠ Y/T0 ≠ Z/T0
What is this proper time based on?
In existential number theory,
X/Tx= Y/Ty = Z/Tz
This formula is completely different from the
previous formula.
This shows what space-time is like.
What should be noted is that the proper time in each
dimension is different.
In Minkowski space.
The independent variables, time and space, are
expressed as 4-dimensional coordinate points of a
certain place at a certain time.
In other words.
Space-time can be understood as a point.
At a certain time when time stops, the space at that
time will exist as an infinite expanse.
The expanse of still space exists in the eternal flow
of time.
This type of natural number thinking sometimes leads
people into a world of contradictions.
ーThere are two worlds in mathematicsー
You must be careful of this.
What is existence in everything?
Space-time is thought of as a coordinate point in
Space-time is not a collection of points in space.
Spacetime is ruledam space.
Space and time are relative relationships as
dependent variables.
The dependent variable is expressed as an existential
Furthermore, from existential number theory.
Not only is the speed of light constant.
Other elementary particles also have constant speed
and proper velocity.
What does this mean?
Therein lies the answer to what space-time is.
Einstein thought that space-time changes due to
It is derived from the formula of Einstein's theory
of relativity.
That is,
the equality of existential numbers does not hold.
This is denied by existential number theory.
This is Einstein's mistake.
First of all.
What exactly is gravity?
Why does gravity exist in space?
Is it possible
to answer the true nature of gravity
using Einstein's theory of relativity?
It can never be done.
The answer lies in existential number theory.
Unless we consider space-time
using existential number theory,
the true image of the universe cannot be seen.
The basis of Einstein's theory of relativity is
that the speed of light observed at any coordinate
remains the same.
It is now called the law of constant speed of light.
This has become an undeniable fact based on many
observational experiments in the past.
Einstein thought that.
There is a coordinate B that is moving at a constant
velocity V with respect to the coordinate A.
The speed of light emitted from the origin at
coordinate A is the same in any direction
due to the law of constancy of the speed of light.
Therefore, the following formula holds true.
X2 + Y2 + Z2 - (CT)2 = 0
the light emitted from the origin of coordinate B
has a similar formula.
X'2 + Y'2 + Z'2 - (CT')2 = 0
T and T’ are the proper time of each coordinate.
These formulas naturally satisfy the law of constancy
of the speed of light.
In order to combine these equations into one,
Einstein thought as follows.
In order to match two equations (sphere),
a conversion equation is needed between them.
Considering the simplest one-dimensional system,
the position of the origin of coordinate B
as seen from coordinate A is,
x = Vt
The position of the origin of coordinate A
as seen from coordinate B is,
x’ = -Vt’
Lorentz-Einstein transformation was calculated using
This idea of Einstein seems to be impeccable and
correct, but according to existential number theory.
The sphere with coordinates A
and the sphere with coordinates B,
which are originally separate,
are equated by Lorentz transformation,
and the theory is developed.
Is this correct?
I can say it's not correct.
In existential number theory, it is shown as follows.
Light emitted at the origin of coordinate A.
How is it observed at coordinate B?
Light emitted at the origin of coordinate B.
How is it observed at coordinate A?
And there.
These expressions can be found as expressions of the
same form.
It is shown that there is a relative relationship
with each other.
In the proper time of the observed coordinates,
shows that the speed of light does not change.
The following formula is important in existential
number theory.
J / T = constant
This shows that space and time are not independent,
but dependent.
J : relative speed of spacetime
( J = Js / Jt = Jv )
here the speed of light
T : proper time of spacetime
here the proper time of light
Vc / Tc = constant
This is the principle of relativity in elementary
The intrinsic velocity of elementary particles
remains the same for any observer.
For example
Suppose there is an inertial coordinate B with
velocity V for coordinate A.
The unique time of coordinate B seen from coordinate
A is
JA / TA = JA-V / TB
From TA=1
TB = JA-V / JA
TB = C-V / C
The proper time of coordinate A seen from coordinate
B is the same formula.
This is because the farther the relative position is,
the closer it is to past space-time and
the farther away it is from future space-time.
When you look far away,
it feels like the past is there.
But just like movies,
it's just a illusion of the past.
Because there is no relationship
between the past and the future.
It is in the world of
Ultimate Numbers
In space and time,
there is only the past and the future, which
are connected by the relative relationship of the
present and expressed by the existential number.
The idea that energy and mass are equal
This formula, which states that energy and mass are
equal, is incorrect.
This is because the equality of existential numbers
does not hold.
The fundamental idea of existential number theory is
'this thing is this thing'.
If you doubt this, you will never see the true image
of the universe.
I believe that
'you have the ability to understand'.
Existential Number Theory :
There are two worlds in mathematics.
There is no matter in the universe.
There was no Big Bang.
The universe is not expanding, but the stars are
moving away from each other at an accelerating rate.
By understanding existential number theory, you will
come to understand the true nature of the universe.
Throw away the'prejudice'
Be 'skeptical' in everything
Have a strong 'inquiry spirit'
Pay close attention to
Then you will surely find the correct answer
Advice from the author
"What you don't know is neither shame nor
It is a shame and incompetence not to make an effort
to know. "
From the author
「 Ask, and it shall be given you ;
seek, and ye shall find ;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you ; 」
Matthew 7:7
矢 口 隹
I only present my knowledge.
吾 唯 呈 知
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