この前のマレーシアの旅物語を「コーヒー編」としてKINDLE 出版すべく鋭意準備中です。
I have been eagerly preparing summarization of coffee culture studied in previous travel to Malaysia, for a KINDLE e-book.
By the way, may I ask to more than 50 years old person how to face to ChatGPT ? Excluding IT professional.
For example, I am thinking to construct my travel story in combine fiction and non-fiction, in order to make it more imaginable.
In addition, using both Japanese and English, because I want to express my sincere appreciation to those who I got extremely special support there.
In such case to use bilingual, what is the format to be ? Completely divided or chapter by chapter ? It was a huge question for me.
For a long time I did not want to be close to ChatGPT, but I tied to use it for the first time.
1. In my travel stories, I want to use the format of both fiction and non-fiction.
2. In my travel stories, I want to use both English and Japanese. In such a case, which is better to construct, completely divided or chapter by chapter ?
It was astonishing that they provided an immediate reply !!
1. Basically they supported my idea and advised me the several points how to use effectively.
2. This is the question I wanted to ask them !!
They advised me both the merit and demerit for the each construction, quite logically and covered enough. And led it as the final conclusion belong to me.
いやあ、しかし何なんでしょうね? これまでAIというものに対し、「アタマを使った仕事もどんどん取られていくね。ああ、これからのひとは大変だ!」といったひとごとの関心しか持ってこなかったのですが(中高年の皆さんの多くはそうでしょう!!)、例えばChatGPTで実際に入り口だけでも体験してみると複雑ですね。自分が数年間レベルで呻吟してきた回答と同じものが、まさに瞬時に出てくる!?これって、何か自分の中の大事なものを否定されるような気分になりませんか?
Well, well, what was those ?
I had been holding all the interest on AI as for the example, " Oh my god, the brainwork as well should be shifted to the machine…. What a pity to young people !!" However, in fact I was confused when I use ChatGPT for example by the experience to get the result immediately which I had been thinking for a long time. That wasn't a kind of deny to myself ?
In any way probably we only can use it like for the senior age in general.
It might be of a help to decrease huge loss of time.
It might be of a help to avoid serious misunderstandings.
例えば「Google Map」に例えられるかもしれませんね。海外旅行でGoogle Mapか類似のソフトを使わずに初めての地を歩くことはほぼ考えられないようになってしまっています。「携帯電話を持たない旅行」。やってみたい気持ちはたまには出てきますが、無理でしょうね・・・でも「支配」はされたくない。
Also, it might be compared with Google Map. Nowadays we can not imagine our traveling aboard without Google map and mobile phone. Sometimes I thought I could try…… but not possible.
However, nevertheless, I don't want to be dominated.