

 In my whole life, I met 3 ladies who gave me the strongest impact.

 First lady was Malaysian. She moved from Ipoh to Japan and operated Malaysian Restaurant in Ogikubo serving wonderful dishes together with effort to introduce Malaysian food culture so long. However, quire regretfully, she passed away in Ipoh in last Oct. because of illness after she went back to Ipoh.

 一人はこちらもマレーシア人。マラッカの観光の中心街であるJONKER STREET からほんの少し入った一角で、マラッカで最も有名な店のうちの一つを長く経営されています。私のマレーシア旅行で疑いなく最もお世話になりました。
 Second lady is Malaysian. She has been operation the superior cafe in Melaka in JONKER STREET area for long. I received, undoubtedly, most valuable hospitality when I was visiting Melaka.

 The last lady is Japanese. She is a jazz singer of authentic style basically, providing all the customers with her voluminous voice. In these several years, not only authentic jazz vocal but also "avant-garde” music only with her voice.
It was extremely distinctive but with overwhelming power.

 It is, I think, "THE PURE LOVE" which is common with them three

 The first Malaysian lady, Not only serving excellent dishes with her excellent smiles, but also, I heard that, she had a almost natural habit to pass her hands to old persons or handicapped persons when she saw them on the street.  

 The second Malaysian lady. When I was visiting Melaka, her mother got serious physical condition. For a while her mother looked recovered but finally she passed away… I got the similar situation with my parents. But the difference is that she had been appealing her PURE LOVE in SNS and so on so long. 

 The third Japanese lady. It is needless to say to get overwhelmed with her total music, but also the feel of warm feeling rising up from the heart given by her even in the cold weather in winter after live music performance.
It should be the same feeling from her of PURE LOVE to have been serving to handicapped person.

 It is interesting to see that many person I feel such PURE LOVE are almost ladies. Why ? And I think it is STRENGTH to be accompanied with such PURE LOVE. Probably similar to MOTHER LOVE (sorry for not mothers).
 When I face such STRENGTH, my correspondence is "acceleration to move"
When there was a situation, asking to myself what I can do. Then, move.
When my parents passed away, I didn't take an action of appealing my love to them. But I learnt. Therefore, even a little, I took an action.
