

 Probably it would be chosen "SRI MANGALAM", Soshigaya, when we look for the Chettinad Restaurant in Japan, however, there are other several restaurants which serve Chettinad menu even though its name is not mentioned on the board of the restaurant.

    One of such a restaurant is "SpiceMAMA", Asakusa.

 これです! チェティナード チキンフライ。
    Yes, yes, it is Chettinad chicken Fry.

 ノンベジメニューを選択します。ただし、チキンor魚の選択なので、チキンを食べたい場合は、店に問い合わせるか、Instagram での確認がベターです。
    To select non-vegi. menu. However, meat is either Chicken or Fish depends on the day. Therefore if Chettinad is necessary, it is better to check Instagram or call to the restaurant in advance. 

 さあ、このチェティナードチキンカレー。とにかく「リッチ」です。やっぱりスパイスでしょうか。マスターに問い合わせをしたところ、見せてもらえました!秘蔵のスパイス! 日本ではお目にかかれないスパイスも含まれ、マスター自らインドで調達させるとのこと。これはコストかかりますね。。
    I asked the master what is the main reason to make it so rich. Then, he kindly show me the spice set as follows !! Some spices I have never seen. He said he gets them directly from India. Oh, I can't stop thinking about its cost….

   The concept of SpiceMAMA is "healthy.
   Even for the non-vegi menu, other vegetarian curry includes so called "Excluding FIVE PUNGENT ROOTS" (which have too strong smelling hurt "spirits" of nature)  Well balanced, and feel a lot of tenderness !
