皆様 明けましておめでとうございます。佳き一年であることを祈願いたします。
Dear all friends here, I wish all of you a Happy New Year !
The meaning of "new year" is different depends on culture by culture. Furthermore, schedule itself is different.
In Japan, still it is the most significant event in a year, even though probably it is different for generation.
The most meaningful point is "the fusion of gorgeousness and solemnity".
"Gorgeousness" is probably almost common in the world. Celebrating new year lively by fireworks and/or dancing.
On the other hand, "Solemnity" is peculiar in Japan, maybe from the Bhuddism. For example, ”Hatsumoude", the first pray for god at shrine or temple for the first time in a year, where not only praying there but also swearing the own ambition for the year. Good tradition !
The, how about is it in other culture ?
For example in Malaysia
There are several New Year because of multi-cultural community.
For reference public holiday in Malaysia is;
1月1日:陽暦正月 Western New Year
1月29日:中華系旧正月 Chinese New Year
3月31日:ハリラヤプアサ(断食明けのお祝いで正月とは異なるものの、宗教的に正月以上の意味合いのもののようです)Hariraya Puasa
(6月27日:イスラム正月)(Muslim New Year)
It should be amazing if we add in the all above culture, it is almost covered the whole culture in The world ! Furthermore, Malaysian culture is the "respect for the mutual".
Then, this is my "ambition" for 2025.
What is the Malaysian New Year culture which is compatible to Japanese "Solemnity" ? Other than "Gorgeousness"
For example "Hari Raya Puasa". It should be most significant after almost one month fasting.
Hindu as well. What is existing beyond the Festival of Light ?
マレーシアでのそれぞれのお正月文化を自分なりに深堀した上で、できれば尊重と複合における更なる将来像を推測してみたいです。これが将来の「世界」なのかもしれないじゃあないですか! ほんとは現場に長期の逗留をしてみたいのですが、できるだけの代替を最大限活用して。
I got my ambition to deepen Malaysian each of New Year cultures, after that, to estimate for the future. Because I think it could be one of the figure of the "world" !!
In fact I want a longer stay if possible, but try to maximize the chance of the alternatives as much as possible.
Thank you !