

 ウチの大学生がフィリピン旅行から戻り、フィリピンのコーヒー豆を買ってきてくれました。LIBERICAとRUBSTA の2種類。ありがとう!
 My son came back from their journey to Philippine bringing Liberica and Rubsta coffee bean. Thank you. 

 早速淹れてみます。もちろんまずはLIBERICA。豆は浅煎りー中煎りで、苦みは弱めです。ナッツ系の香りと酸味はありますが、例えば MY LIBERICAのジャックフルーツの強い香り、でもないです。幾分「純朴な」味わいで、次回はもう少し濃いめに淹れると特徴が楽しめるかもしれません。そしてRUBSTA との飲み比べをしてみましょう!
   Immediately I brew it. Of course started from Liberica. Light- Medium roasted. Slight bitterness. Also slight acidity. But not with much fruitiness like Jackfruits flavor from MY LIBERICA. It is rather "naive" taste ! Next time, I think I can brew a bit more strongly, and enjoy to compare with Rubsta.

    As for data, Philippine is 21st ranking in the world in 2022. Wow, it is higher than Kenia !!


 もちろんコーヒーベルトの中にしっかりと入っていますし、地理的にも適度な高度も広くあるため、コーヒー栽培に適してはいそうです。何でも、一時は世界でも4位の生産量のときもあったそうで、歴史的な諸事情で降下があったのでしょうが、例えばベトナムのようにSpecialty Coffee で一躍脚光を浴びる可能性も十分秘めているように思います。
    Of course it is just inside of the "coffee belt", and geography, it looks that there are enough high lands suitable for coffee planting. In fact once there was a time in the past Philippine was the 4th ranking in the world. I hope it has strong potentiality to catch up highlights like Vietnam Specialty Coffee ! 

 南洋珈琲は、かなり極端に濃く苦くしながら、甘さも強くして独特な特徴を出しているのですが、上記豆を飲む限りは十分マイルドで柔らかく、全然ブラックでおいしいです。やっぱりSpecialty Coffee で伸びていく素養はありますよ!
    As for the style of coffee drinking of ordinally citizen, which is the most essential point of me, as far as checking from the webisite information, they like it "sweetened" as well, maybe because it is in a hot country. We know typical South Sea coffee culture is "high bitterness and sweetness". However, in Philippine, as far as I drank the above, it was rather mild and black coffee is suitable enough.
    Therefore, I hope again that there appeared an enormous boom of specialty coffee in Philippine sooner or later !!

    Thank you so much.    
