

*It took time for me to post here because I caught a cold and stayed in calm for a several days. Everybody, please take care most. 

 世の中はクリスマスの煌めきに溢れる日々になりました。基本的には家族とのゆったりとした時間が一番だと思ってはいますが、ジャズの温かみに接しに出かけました。吉祥寺SOMETIME、"CHIE NISHIMURA SUPER FUNKY X'mas Night"
 In these days we see sparkling night sight for Christmas. Basically I take the most priority to stay at Christmas together with family, however, yesterday I went outside to look for the warmth of JAZZ.
 SOMETIMESでは月イチ開催を継続されているので、抜群の安定度です。公称80席がほぼ満席で、(ついこの前一泊平均@¥1,500以下のような安宿旅行をしてきた一名を除き💦)皆さんクリスマスらしくゆったりと、おいしさで定評のある料理とお酒を存分に楽しまれていました。ゆとり、ですね。音楽は、Super Funky定番の、ジャズとポップの有名曲数曲に、そのときどきのテーマに沿った曲を混ぜて、常連さんも飽きさせないであろう、憎い選曲です。
 SUPER FUNKY has been performing at SOMETIME once a month for long, with supreme stability.  80 seats, as per official announcement, were almost full. Looked anybody have enjoyed extremely with dishes and drinks, of course music, relaxed like at Christmas. "Feel at Ease"
 They played several tunes at the stage from some of Jazz and Pops popular songs which are Super Funky regular tunes, and some of timely tunes for example Christmas. It was an excellent selection not to make regular customers bored. 

 そうはいっても、西村知恵さんです。「気楽に」だけではありません。何といっても、「VIRTUAL SILENCE」という作品では、自らの「声」だけで極限の、尖った世界を繰り広げる方です。客層の大半は違うのをやむなしとして、さらっと、もしくは呻吟に呻吟を重ね、どちらにも届く崇高な世界を随所に織り込ん でいます。それって、実は「やさしさ」

 In spite of that, however, it was Chie Nishimura, which would not make us completed only with relaxing. She is the person who is spreading her extremely sharp world only with her voice, on her "VIRTUAL SILENCE" Although there are in fact major difference of clientele between the two groups, she put the supreme world which could be reached to both, in many points. It is "THE TENDERNESS" 

「家族なり親しい人と一緒に過ごす時間が一番。でも、世の中にはそれができない人だっている。そんなひとをも思いやって時を過ごし・・・・」 これは響きますよ。そしてそれを、押し付けたりせずに歌い上げる。音楽の力ですね。そしてそれは一部のラスト "What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)" に繋がっていきます。西村さんの激ポジを端的に歌詞にした世界。
 For example from the tunes of Christmas;
" In fact, it should be the best to stay with family or intimate relationship. However, we know as well there are people who could not do so in the world. Therefore, how could we take a time at least considering on such people…….."
She could spread such message on singing rather softly. The magic power of music. And it is connected to the last tune at the first stage, "WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD (by Louis Armstrong), which is the world directly expressed her ultra positiveness.

 年が明けて2025年には、そのやさしさをもっとダイレクトに出したイベント「DREAMWEAVER LIVE2025」があります。(主催/ NPO法人あいけあ)2月11日(火・祝)。川崎市国際交流センター。ここでの西村さんの熱い思いは、たぶん第三者がとても伝えられるものでもないので、勝手ながらご本人のお言葉を引用させていただきます。
 In 2025, there will be an event which could express her tenderness more directly, "DREAMWEAVER 2025" on Feb.11th. at Kawasaki. 

sorry only in Japanese

 Because we are human being, we have both good time and tough time. And on top of that, we can go in 2025, changing them to "ultra positiveness", according to the lead at yesterday's performance.
Thank you. 

西村知恵 vo
吉岡秀晃   p
河上修  B
谷殿明良 tp (guest)

