
【about music】tiny desk concert JAPAN

It's cloudy today. I feel little bit tired because day before yesterday I went to a movie with my friend and told about it at a restaurant, and yesterday I went hiking with my father. The moment of talking and hiking was very very fun, but my body says "I'm more and more tired than you think!" So, today I spend the time for relaxing.

Recently I watch  "tiny desk concert JAPAN" staring Fujii Kaze on YouTube repeatedly. In fact, I'm writing down this with listening to the sound of that video on my headphone. 

The 30 minutes' special live at the office of NHK relieves me every time I watch it. I think that's because the atmosphere he and amazing members of his band have is full of love, kindness and joy. They enjoyed the live from the bottom of their hearts. I can feel their emotion from their performance. 

I especially love the song "Overflowing".
Before singing, he says "I realize that love is not something you should ask for, but love is something that you already have inside all the time. The more you give, you share and you release, the more it becomes overflowing."
That is the truth, I think.

His music, voice, words and performance is so simple, clean, and beautiful. That is the reason why he fascinates so many people all over the world.
As you know, one of them is me!

