
"How have I been dealing with change?" 今日のDaily prompt. 変化や突発的なことに弱い自分。 変化をできるだけ楽しむように、自分で自分を追い込まないように。 新しい一日を楽しんでいけたらと思います。 素敵な一日を。

What's the funniest thing that happened to me this week? 今週、一番面白かった出来事はなんですか? クスッと笑ってしまうような小さなことも思い当たりませんでした。 笑顔、笑いはとても大切。 今日も笑顔で、素敵な一日を😊

What's a compliment that meant a lot to me?

If my life had chapters, they would be...

This season reminds me of ...

Right now, my biggest challenge is ...

Who would I like to reconnect with?

Who has supported me during difficult times?

How did I help someone today?

What is a personal strength I've relied on lately?

What are this month's goals?