
US warship sails near manmade Chinese-controlled isle, Reuters, Apr. 10, 2023.

台湾統一 中国軍 中国 頼清徳 総統 民進党 台湾 20240225

中国の浮遊式障害物のロープ切断 フィリピン沿岸警備隊 南シナ海 フィリピン 20230926

上映禁止 映画『バービー』 ベトナム 20230705

China threatens ‘ serious consequences’ over U.S. warship actions near disputed island, PBS, Mar. 24, 2023.

【日米株価指数】令和4年2月27日 FXAceのトレード日誌


「トランプ大統領再任で変わる日米関係:企業やプロジェクトに与える影響を徹底解説」 ”How Japan-U.S. Relations Might Change if Trump Becomes President Again: A Detailed Analysis for Businesses and Projects”

U.S.-China Strategic Competition in Southand East China Seas: Background and Issues for Congress, R42784, CRS, Sep. 14, 2023.

U.S.-China Strategic Competition in South and East China Seas: Background and Issues for Congress, R42784, CRS, June 5, 2023.

U.S. rejects China's claim its warship illegally entered waters in the South China Sea, NBCNews, Mar 23, 2023.

How Beijing Boxed America Out of the South China Sea, Wall Street Journal, Mar. 11, 2023.

Chinese jet fighter shadows U.S. aircraft over South China Sea, Wall Street Journal, Feb. 24, 2023.

US carrier strike group begins operating in South China Sea as tensions with China simmer, CNN, January 13, 2023.

美2架B-1B轟炸機飛入中國防空識別區 與日本自衛隊40架戰機大規模演習